dress shopping

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If there was anything that Evelynn Rose rarely ever argued with her parents about, it was the annual Midsummers party. Unfortunately enough, that seemed to change the more her parents pressured her to blow off Luca and go with Kelce instead.

Not to mention the horrible outfits her mom picked out.

While the party was a few weeks away, that didn't stop Megan Connor from dragging her daughter to get an early start on dress shopping.

Elizabeth, Evelynn's grandmother wasn't too found of the event, but she knew Evelynn would be insanely miserable if she didn't go with her. She would also admit that she went for the ridiculously overpriced food that was free for the night.

Even if the older woman was a kook, that didn't mean she enjoyed paying extra for something she can scarf down within two minutes.

"That one is gorgeous."

Evelynn stared at her mother,

"This one if too tight."

Megan scoffs, "Beauty is pain, sweetheart."

"Not if she can't breathe." Elizabeth told her daughter, focusing her attention of Evelynn, "Go change."

Watching the girl walk away, Megan turned to her own mother, "Mom, that dress match perfectly with Kelce's suit."

"How unfortunate for Kelce that our dear Evelynn Rose is going with Luca."

Megan rolled her eyes, "I already have it planned out, mother."

She watches the woman's eyes light up, her hand raising to wave someone over, "So do I. Megan, meet Lori, Luca's mother. She's here to help us find Evelynn and Luca matching outfits."

The woman could hear the teenager squeal happily behind the curtains, her shadow showing that she was rushing to put on a random dress so she didn't run out completely bare.

As soon as she ran out, the girl locked eyes with her boyfriends mother, the two letting out laughs of happiness before embracing each other.

"Finally, another person to tell my mom how awful her taste in fashion is."


"You guys see that? That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wakesetter. Number one in luxury, quality, and performance. 200K, easy." JJ gushed over the boat that passed them.

Pope nodded, "We picked the wrong parents."

"I hate to break it to you guys, but that's Sarah and her boyfriend." Kirsten said, leaning her back against the edge of the boat.

"You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch!" Kiara shouts, earning a shove from her sister. Not only because she screamed in her ear, but also because she was a bit embarrassed.

"You don't have to yell."

Kie scoffed, "Don't be a brat, I barely shouted. Where's Evelynn?"

"Yeah, we haven't seen her all day." Pope added on.

"She's dress shopping. You know her mom is weeks before the midsummers party."


"Oh, thats the one."

"Is it?" Evelynn wondered, her hands soothing the material as she glanced at the three older women through the mirror.

"It so is." Lori smiled, "You should get it, if you don't i will, then i'll tell Luca sneak it into your closet."

"Your son won't be stepping foot into my house."

"Then she can sneak it in mine." Elizabeth rolls her eyes, her frail hands waving her daughters words away.

The older woman could see Lori smile at her defending her. She knew she was too nice to talk back to Megan, but by no means was she scared of her. She just didn't want to possibly ruin the beautiful relationship that was Luca and Evelynn, simply because their mothers could get along.

Though, it was probing to be hard to ignore her the more she made slick comments under her breath.


"Yo, Luca! You look thirsty!"

The Antonio teen reluctantly turned his head at the sound of Kelce's voice.

While he would much rather be anywhere else but here, he couldn't hang out with Evelynn, who was hanging with his mom dress shopping, Lori would have had his head is she found out he was trying to see Evelynn's dress before the party.

His dad was doing something for work, and he didn't necessarily consider the pogues his friends. His only option, curtesy of Lori, was to help clean the beach after the storm.

"I'm all good, man." He denied without hesitation.

Kelce didn't seem to care, bringing his mini cooler towards Luca, with Topper Thornton and Sarah Cameron following behind him, "Okay, what do we... what do we got here? Have some of that, baby."

Luca had only known of Sarah because they went to the same school. She would also sometimes be brought up in the Carrera twins and Evelynn's conversations, which he would pretend not to listen to, but he secretly enjoyed the drama.

Luca ignore their blatant disrespect for his personal space and moved over a bit, not wanting to risk getting in the middle of something that they definitely shouldn't be doing in public, especially around kids.

"Oh, man. Come on, Sarah." He heard, it didn't seem like he would have to intervene as the Cameron girl was more than willing to taste whatever Kelce had concocted.


The teen groaned, "What?"

"What happened to you, man?" Kelce pushed, "Yoh her a girlfriend and suddenly you don't drink anymore?"

His bored eyes traveled to him, shaking his head, shoving the alcohol away from him.

"You know, I don't want to make you upset or anything-"

"Yeah, okay."

"But Megan mentioned how she wanted me to take Rose to the Midsummers party."

"She's not going with you. And her name is Evelynn." Luca corrected, remembering the multiple times he's heard the girl voice her disliked for Kelce using that nickname, "You know she hates when you call her that."

"She's not here, though." Kelce chuckles, shoving Luca a little too hard to be playful.

Luca was too focused on controlling himself to even notice that thirteen year old Wheezie had snatched the drink out of her older sisters hand.

"Since when did you start drinking?"

"Since today!"

"Great going, Kelce." Sarah spoke up, her agitated expression morphing into one of confusion at the uncomfortably close proximity between the two, suddenly angered teens. "You guys okay?"

"You guys got it under control?" Their heads snap to the man that was directing the clean up.

"We're all good." Luca nodded, once again, stepping away from the group of teens to avoid any unwanted confrontation.

He knew his mother and the girl he grew to love would be proud of him for not doing anything, but he couldn't help but be unreasonably upset with himself for not defending Evelynn as much as he knew he could.

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