golf fights

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After going their separate ways, Luca and Evelynn took it upon themselves to go on a walk around figure eight.

They had invited JJ, Pope, and the twins, but they all refused due to being busy. Kirsten and Kiara didn't go into detail, but JJ and Pope mentioned how they were helping the Heyward's dad deliver groceries.

So, without much hesitation, the couple turned their walk into a small date. Evelynn enjoys making fun of people, and she happens to hate golf, so Luca thought, what better way to make your girlfriend happy then to take her to make fun of golfers.

"Do you believe in this gold they're talking about?"

Evelynn took her eyes off of the old men in front of her, lifting her shoulders at his question, "I think that even if it isn't real, it's a fun way to spend the summer."

"Searching for something that isn't there?"


Luca squinted, "And if it's real? Are you getting your share?"

"You think i'd be helping if i wasn't?" She joked, "Kirsten told me that after we left John B made a comment about how you'd be good help. And that since you quite literally took a bullet for them, that you also deserve to be in on it."

"I took a bullet for you, but i get it." He corrected, "More than half of us don't even need the money."

"I know." Evelynn nodded, "I still feel like even if we don't, it would still be good help the ones that do need it."

Luca smirked at his girlfriend, "Evelynn Rose is being a good person? I'm shocked."

"Screw you." She shoved him, walking ahead.

"You do that enough already."

Her steps slowed. Luca grew nervous that his comment made her uncomfortable, immediately going to apologize until he was walked up behind her and saw what really made her stop.

His usual dead like eyes grew wide as he noticed Rafe and Topper taunting Pope. His jaw clenched, noticing the panic in Evelynn's eyes. He knew how much the girl cared for Pope, he too was starting to become friends with the Heyward.

So, with no hesitation, he marched forward, just in time to catch Rafe tear open Pope's grocery bag.

"Rafe, come on, man."

"Stay out of it, Luca." The Cameron brushed him off, smacking the second bag out of Pope's hand.

"What the hell? You owe me for that!" Pope shouted, watching the beer cans roll all over the ground.

Luca stepped over one of them.

"Dude, I don't owe you shit, Pogue." Rafe scoffed, face falling to shock as Pope shoved him back.

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