midsummers pt.2

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JJ nearly shouted as a body slammed against his. His eyes widen as he took in her scent, chuckling softly as his arms wrapped around Kirsten's waist. She was hugging a little too tight, pressing up against a bruise that coated his side, but he wouldn't dare tell her to let go.

Much to his dismay, she pulled away to get a better look at him, subconsciously putting a soft hand to his face, rubbing her thumb over the cut on his lip.

"I'm okay." He spoke softly, watching the way her eyes formed to sadness, tilting her head in pity.


"I'm fine, Kirsten, I promise." He laughed it off, unknowingly keeping a hand on her waist as he looked to speak to her and Pope, who watched the interaction awkwardly.

"John B and I got it all sorted out. We're gonna be filthy rich, guys."

"What?" Kirsten frowned.

The Maybank smiled, "We're back in the G-game, baby."

"G-game? I thought we lost the gold game." Pope walked closer, not wanting anyone to hear their conversation.

"Yeah, well, we're in overtime now. Fourth and one, baby. Be right back."

Pope looked confused, "Fourth and one?"

"What does that mean?"

"I'll explain... I'll explain later." JJ told them, smile bright as he began to walk away.

Kirsten dropped her hands to her sides, sharing a look with Pope. She finds herself freezing up as she didn't realize JJ turned back around, running up behind her, stopping himself from crashing by placing his hands on her waist, kissing her cheek gently before he ran off once again.


Pope shook his head, putting his arm out for the girl to grab, "Breathe, it's just a kiss."

"Oh, my goodness."


Luca and Evelynn had been talking about whatever came to their minds when the girls boyfriend suddenly stepped away from her.

Evelynn frowned, "What are you doing?"

"I gotta go."


Luca sighed, "I'm sorry, i'm so sorry. I'll be back. Just don't follow me."


The girl in white crossed her arms over her chest, brows furrowed before she came to realize that JJ was gone, along with Rafe, Kelce and the rest of their group.

She withheld a groan, already coming to assume that there was going to be another fight. One that she wanted no part in.

So, while making sure she wasn't seen by her family or Luca's, she snuck off to go stand near the twins and Pope.

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