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Kirsten had her eyes focused on the screen in front of her. Or, at least she tried to stay focused. The girl was slowly falling asleep the more JJ drew circles on her hand. Not only because the action was soothing, but because the movie was garbage, she could hardly pay attention.

Her head lulled to the side, hesitant to rest on his shoulder, but she felt the Maybank scoot the slightest bit closer to her, silently letting her know that it was okay.

She inhaled softly, releasing the tension from her shoulders as her head laid on his arm.

Evelynn squinted, her head laid on her boyfriends lap, knees up as she watched the interaction with a smirk.

She could feel Luca run a hand over her jaw, turning her to face him. He gave her a questioning look, wondering what had caught her attention. Evelynn nodded her head in the direction of JJ and Kirsten, two teens blissfully unaware of the attention they gathered as they whispered quietly amongst themselves.

Luca shook his head with a chuckle, rolling his eyes a bit at his girlfriends nosiness.


The Maybank rolled his eyes at Pope interrupting his conversation about the bracelets covering his wrists, "What?"

"Gotta take a piss."

"Hold it." JJ scoffed, watching Kirsten point to the blue one.

"I can't hold it. I drank too much soda."

Luca raised a brow, looking over at them.

"It's too exposed. They'll totally see us." JJ told his friend.

Pope groaned, "I gotta go."

The Antonio teen turned his head towards the bathrooms, letting out a sigh before he tapped Evelynn's waist, reluctantly making the girl move.

"Come here. I know where."

Kie looked up frowning, "Hey, where y'all going?"

"We gotta wring it out."

"You gonna hold it for each other?" Evelynn giggled at the youngest Carrera's remark.

"We'll be back." JJ and Luca nodded to their girlfriend and friend.


"This feels better than a blowjob." Pope groaned out in pleasure.

Luca scrunched up his face, keeping a good distance away from the boys as they relieved themselves, his back facing them.

"Like you know how that feels." JJ coughed out.

"This feels better than what I imagine a blowjob would feel like."

"Enough about blowjobs, man, hurry up." Luca told them, blue eyes surveying the area around them.

𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 | 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜Where stories live. Discover now