girls stick together

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"Any volunteers?"

Evelynn's question left an odd taste in the twins mouths.

"How come you can't do it?" Kirsten frowned, looking at her friend.

"Because I have a boyfriend." Evelynn spoke as if it were obvious, raising her shoulders to exaggerate her statement, "I don't know about you, but flirting with an elderly man while i'm in a committed relationship seems like cheating."

"It kind of is—" Pope started.

Kie cuts in, rolling her eyes at their banter, "I'll do it."

"He's not elderly." JJ spoke up, sticking his head out of the window. "Make it a girl thing. You know, what's that saying about how girls stick together?"

Kirsten squinted, "Girls stick together?"

The Maybank snapped his fingers, pointing at her, "Thats it. That's the one."

"You guys be careful, alright? Don't worry. You got this." John B encouraged the three, smiling at them as they walked away.

"It's not me that I'm worried about." Kiara smirked, pulling Evelynn and Kirsten by their arms.

John B nodded, "Got it."


"Hello?" Kie called out, "Excuse me?"

"Can I help you?"

"Hi! Um, we actually have a flat tire." Kirsten smiles at the man, earning a nudge from Evelynn.

"Try not to look too happy, geez."

"We were wondering if maybe you could help us out?" Kie finished, lips twitching as she smiled sweetly at him.

Evelynn held in a gag at the way the man trailed his eyes over their bodies, eyes rolling as she stayed as far as she could from him.

"Yeah." He nodded, walking away to open the gate.

"Oh, It's too easy."


"How's it going with Kiara?" JJ asked, breaking the silence.

"How's it going with Kirsten?" John B bit back, glancing over at the blonde, smirking at his friend.

JJ's cheeks redden, "There's nothing going with Kirsten, she's my best friend."

"Ouch." John B mocks offense, placing a hand to his chest before answering the Maybank's previous question, "It's not awkward, weird, or anything."

JJ snorts, "Yeah. Honestly, I did not think you were gonna actually listen to me."


"I was 100 percent sure she was into you, bro. Pope would agree."

The Heyward cringed, tilting his head in uncertainty, "Ehh..."

"So, like, Kie, she, like, definitely gave you the Heisman?"

"Oh, no question. Yup." John B nodded, going along with whatever JJ said at this point.


Pope eyed the two, "Maybe she's just into somebody else."


"It's just this back one right here." Kie said, directing the man to the vehicle, "I mean, it must've been a slow leak or something."

Evelynn wanted to scoff, but knew that one she held deep within her soul would alert the man helping them. She had never seen such bad acting in her life.

Kirsten had spoken with her eyes that it would be better if she didn't do the talking, knowing full well that she would accidentally blow their cover. Evelynn just didn't want to talk to the man. He as weird, he proved that much with the way he eyed their every movement. So, that left Kiara to do all the heavy lifting, which probably wasn't the best, seeing as the girl was clearly a nervous wreck.

"Been sitting in the yard too long?"

The twins chuckled, "Yeah."

"Yeah, I... I got this." The man nodded, gesturing for the three to take a step back.

"Thank you." Kie smiled, ignoring the look she earned from the Connor girl at her too happy attitude.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the Island, Luca laid with his eyes to the ceiling, watching his ceiling fan spin around.

He was bored.

Bored out of his mind, but he had no idea what he wanted to do.

All the friends he once had, were off drinking and getting high off illegal drugs and it was barely 2:30. His mom was downstairs cleaning, and he knew the woman would freak if he got in the way. His father was in his office doing god knows what. And his girlfriend, god bless her heart, had ran off with a bunch of pogues, according to his mother.

He ran his hand over the scab that cover the scrape he got from getting shot at. Genuinely curious as to why he risked his life for a group of kids he barely knew.

Then again, he was actually risking it for Evelynn, too worried about making sure she was safe before caring for himself.

If one of the pogues got shot, he probably wouldn't give them a second glance, but god forbid if Evelynn even tripped.

Whoever was around would never hear the end of it.

Looking to his left, his eyes fell on a light purple bracelet that happened to match the baby blue one that was secured on his own wrist. He made a mental note to return the jewelry back to Evelynn the next time he saw her.

The girl had a habit of taking off her jewelry before bed and completely forgetting to put it back on before she left his house.

It didn't bother Luca. In fact, he quite enjoyed finding her accessories around his room. It let him know that they would have an excuse to see each other again. Whether that be because he brought it to her, or she suddenly remembered it the next time she visited him.


Kirsten didn't want to make it obvious that she could hear the sound of feet pounding against the gravel behind them.

Her neck flexed as she winced at the sight of John B's hair, quickly looking away so she didn't get caught.

Evelynn's groan caught her attention, turning to see her friend holding a hand over her eyes.

"Why is it so damn hot?"

"It's summer." She said, fully twisting her body to face the girl, "And look what you have on."

The Connor teen eyed the girl, "What's up with you and JJ commenting on my outfit? Would you prefer if I walked around completely naked and bare for the world to see?"

Kirsten hummed, "I don't think I would."

A low chuckle tore them out of their conversation, scoffs escaping their lips as they realized it came from the man fixing the tire.

Wanting to avoid any further issues, Kiara looked down at him, raising a brow, "Got it?"

"Yeah." He nodded, looking away.

"What a douche." Evelynn whispered to herself, walking to the other side of the car, a now permanent scowl covering her features.

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