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I saw her with that guy, every bone in my body wanted to ripe him away from her when I saw him touching her. She went away and I followed. Wrapping my hands around her, kissing her neck carefully. She laughed such a sweet laugh

I entered their apartment with bill. My hands in my pockets as I let my eyes scanned the very familiar place. I went with him as I wanted to see her and we was gonna go to the studio. Mia came out of her room fully dressed. I looked around in the small apartment looking for her...
As I walked around I saw her bedroom door being a bit opened as I walked by it. She was sleeping. " please don't" she mumbled making me stop walking. her body twitching fast, she wined and woke up with a gasp. She looked around and I backed away from the door.
She soon came out. Her hair up in an messy ponytail. A big t-shirt and shorts on. She rubbed her eyes. " hi sleepy head" bill said making her look up and stop she looked at me rolling her eyes. I hadn't talked to her since I called her in the middle of the night. " are you leaving?" She talked to Mia as I just stood there. Looking at her. She glanced at me. " yeah do you want to come? They are going to the studio"
She sighed " no" she replied fast and my gaze sunk to the floor.

I was in the studio. Gustav, Georg and bill was here. Mia looked at us when we recorded.
" that was great" she clapped her hands.
" I wish Lilly came she would have loved hearing this song" she said " do you ever shut up?!" I let out frustrated as she didn't stop talking about Lilly. She looked at me shocked and then at bill. " what's wrong with you?" She snapped back making me get even more annoyed. I looked at her but bill put his hand on my shoulder, a pleading look for me not to do anything.
I pulled my shoulder away from his hand and walked away hearing Mia complaining about my behavior.

We was at the club like always. The same thing every time. Girls in my lap. But I felt no interest. I couldn't stop thinking about Lilly.
" Mia what's Lilly doing tonight?" I asked as I tapped my fingers on the glass in my hand " she's with Emanuel" she responded as I felt jealousy fill me...I had to get her out of my head. I looked at Paige, the girl next to me. " you want to get out of here?" I asked making a smile shine up on her pretty little face.
She followed me. " where are you taking me?"
I ignored her. " who's that girl Lilly?" She asked making me turn my head slightly to her. " she sounds like a bitch" she said making me stop.
She walked right into my back. I turned to her " do you ever stop talking?" I said low and looked down on her. " I'm sorry... shouldn't I have mentioned Lilly?" She asked with her wining voice making me get annoyed. I formed my hand to a fist. " I'm sorry can't we just forget her she's probably just some dumb whore and go to the hotel-" I pressed her against the wall behind her fast and hard making her let out a sound with pain in it, my hand around her throat. " shut the fuck up" I say close to her face making her look away from me. I let go of her fast making her head hit the wall. I sighed as I looked at her. Her eyes where terrified as they also got filled with tears as I walked back to the others and just leaving her there.
I got down in the couch next to another girl. Bill looked at me confused, wondering where the other girl had went. I ignored him. Looking at the other girl next to me. Having my hand on her, feeling her curves. I kissed her neck making her let out soft moans. Trying to get my mind of her and what she and him where doing right now. "Tom can't we leave this place?" She whispered.
I smiled.

I let out a laugh. Emanuel's eyes moved from my head to my shoes. I looked at my phone as it had buzzed. It was Mia. " tom asked what you where doing" I sighed and put the phone away. " so okay when you where younger you seriously jumped out of an plane?!"
He laughed " yeah it was fun" I shook my head and took a sip out of my wine. " I must ask...what's going on with you and tom" he looked at me as I put down the glass. "Uhm nothing"
"Because when we where at his party he didn't stop looking at you" he chuckled. I scratched my head, thinking about the time in my kitchen and when I got a drink at the party and the time we had kissed. " no where just friend because Mia is dating his twin brother bill" " yeah right how is it to be friend with such famous people?" He kept asking questions about them when that was the one thing I wanted to get out of my head. Tom.

Me and Emanuel stumbled into my bedroom. Throwing clothes on the floor around my bed. Out kissed getting more intense as he got of my dress. Our body's being close as he thrusted himself in to me making moans escaping my mouth. Our warm body getting pressed close together as his hands was all over me but somewhere in my head I couldn't stop but wish it was Tom....

I woke up. He was sleeping next to me and I looked around me and remembered the night. I smiled for myself. I put on some clothes and snuck out of my room and closing the door behind me. I froze as I saw Tom sitting in the bar chair. He turned to me. Mia came running out of her bedroom. " I'm so so sorry you had to wait Tom-" she stopped as she saw me and immediately a smile formed on her lips.
" is someone here?" She looked at me making my eyes get wide. " yeah uhm Emanuel's here" I looked at Tom quickly and his eyes was piercing mine making me get nervous. " ooo so what happened?!" Mia said exited " must we talk about this now you two seems like you are in a hurry"
"Yea right" she siad and looked at Tom " you can go down to my car I have to use the bathroom" he siad as he kept his dark brown eyes on me.

Mia left. Tom got up and walked over to me. " did you sleep with him?" He asked low as his hand brushed away hair from my face. " yeah" I got out as I couldn't help but I enjoy the feeling of his touch. He sighed and lifted my head so I would look at him as he was taller then me. " did you like it?" He asked low. I nodded making our faces get closer. " it should have been me Lilly" he said so close to my lips making me crave them. My bedroom door opened. Tom looked at him as his hand was still on my jaw. He looked back at me, almost with sadder eyes before carefully letting me go and leavening the apartment making me watch him until he was fully out until I turned around. " did I interrupted something?" Emanuel asked and scratched his head as he looked at my red cheeks and the wide eyes on my face. " uhm no he was just gonna pick something up-" " are you sure?" He asked
I nodded. I thought about Tom.

Emanuel came out of my room, fully dressed" hey Emanuel... I'm sorry but I think can't keep seeing you-"
He looked at me confused " why not have I done something?" He talked fast " no it,it just doesn't feel right-" "it's him right?" He interrupted me making me feel Shame after sleeping with him and then him seeing this. " look Lilly I understand but you should really work on yourself because you are just selfish for leading me on when you like Tom" he let's out and leaving my apartment making me get shocked after realizing what he had said.

Poisonous love// tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now