Inside me

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Under a few days I where scared to bump into Tom. But i couldn't hide in my or Nate's apartment forever. I went out trying to ignore his texts even if it where kind of hard.
I wanted to write, write of much I hated him,of much he have pained me but I didn't, I didn't even go into them.

I walked down 5th avenue, seeing flowers and pictures from where my fathered had killed the two people when he crashed. I stopped and looked at them, it was a mother and a daughter. I shake my head. It was unfair that they had to die.

I go and by some flowers and then come back, put them with the rest, to show that they where missed and my respect because I was the daughter of the man that had made them loose their life's.

" Lilly" the German/ English voice said from my side making me jump, I look at bill " what do you want?" I say and look at him who had sad eyes. " I just came here to... to talk to you" he looked at the flowers,candles and pictures as he said it.
" how did you know where I was?" I asked
" I saw you walk by" he said making me roll my eyes. " I'm sorry for lying to you lil" " don't call me that we are not friends bill" I said and I could see how much that hurted him. " but-"
"But what? You lied to my face, wanting me to leave Tom so you had a chance, sleeping with me" I say low so no one would hear " I have to go" I say as I didn't want to talk to him anymore.

The rest of the day goes by and I where getting ready for going out with Mia.

I thought back to the other day when I meet Tom and i couldn't get Tom out of my head, he had never left my head honestly , he where stuck like glue to my mind. And it was killing me.

We arrive at the nightclub, it was our usual where me and Mia always went. We began to take a few drinks before we began to dance.

I looked at the entrance when the group of 4 men came in " they here Mia" I say making her turn and look at them. Her as surprised as me.

Tom had a big smirk on his face as the light was red, making his eyes get dark.
I swallowed hard as I looked back at Mia. " do you want to leave?" She asked and I just shaked my head " no, no I won't let him control my life"
She smiled and we began to dance.

Tom eventually noticed me from where the four men where sitting at. They sat at a round table, girls at them, touching tom. I looked at him and he looked at me. I felt so much emotions in my body.

The girl kissed his neck as he just looked at me, a big smirk curling up on the end of his lips, him playing with his lip piercing with his tongue.

I couldn't take it. " excuse me Mia i, I have to go to the bathroom" I say and walk to his table, grab his hand, dragging him up and after me quickly through the big mass of people who where dancing.

Into a bathroom and locking it after me, kissing him hard. Him pulling up my dress as he lifted me up on the sink. Our moans being erased by the loud music, tasting liquor from his mouth as we couldn't stop kissing, oh what I had missed the feeling of him, the feeling of him inside me.

I rest my head on his shoulder, until I got down onto my heels on the floor, pulling down my dress once again. Fixing my hair as he just looked at me. " does this mean we are good once again baby?" He smirk " this was fun, but Mia is waiting" I say and lock up the door and leave him behind.

" what took so long?" She says over the music as I look over to their table as Tom come back, sits down and look at me, irritating eyes but filled with lust. I looked back at Mia " it was a long line sorry"

I soon thought about Nate, I had just cheated on him with Tom, what have I done, I liked him, he where good for me, but tom did something to me, he was the one I would always want

I got drunk that night after that, dancing and singing loudly. Mia having to stop me from going to toms table multiple times until she called Nate to take me home.

" hey,hey lil" he catched me in his arms as I almost tripped. " oh Nate it's you" I say with a big smile on my lips. " have she taken something?" He asked Mia " I don't think so"

" come let's get you home" he began to lead me to his car " you know I really like you AND I saw my ex Tom here" I laugh making Mias eyes get wide
" oh really" he said with and change expression as he knew my past with him as he put me down onto his seat " really and I really really want-" i couldn't finish the sentence before I threw up.

" here's some water" Nate put it into my hand as he brushed his hand over my hair " maybe you shouldn't drink that much Lilly" he smiled " I know I lost control" I sigh and think back at the night that i couldn't remember as I had finally sobered up.

But I do remember fucking Tom in the toilet, I did regret it, but it was something I had wanted to since I saw him that night.

Poisonous love// tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now