Im sorry

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I rushed into the hospital, the smell of disinfection hitting my nose as I walked up to the counter. " hello sir" the woman said " where's Lilly's room-" I siad fast as I felt the stress in my body getting more and more " I need her last name" she interrupted me " yeah uhm Lilly smith" I got out " she's in room 10" she smiled at me and I instantly began walking. Looking at the numbers on the doors "8,9...10" I said low for myself as I kept walking. I stopped as I saw the number 10. I walked closer, laying my hand on the door handle carefully as I pressed it down slowly. I didn't see Mia or bill, they must be here somewhere tho. I walked in as I looked at her. Needles being in her arms, scars on her beautiful face. I sat down on the chair next to the hospital bed so quiet as I could as I didn't want to wake her up. I couldn't stop looking at her. " I'm so sorry Lilly" I whispered low so low that no soul would hear it. I took her hand, it was warm. I smiled "I'm sorry I will never push you away again...I love you" I whispered the last sentence as the door opened making me sitting up straight and wiping away the one tear who had left my eye. I turned around seeing Mia and bill.
" have you heard anything about her state?" I say
Making mias face get sadder " uhm,uhm they not sure if she will wake up" she let's out as she burst down in tears from the thoughts of loosing her best friend. My eyes sunk down to the floor, the thought of never seeing or hearing her again killed me. " how sure are they?" I asked " it's a 50% chance that she wakes up" bill siad and walked up to me.

I went home, my eyes filled with tears, I looked at the mirror, hitting my fist at it hard so the glass broke under my hard fist, the glass hitting the stone floor with blood on them. I closed my eyes. I was so angry and sad at the same time.

One week had gone by, I had been here every day. Sleeping next to her, just watching her chest rise and sink, watching her eyes, whising they would open any second. My hand being on Hers, taking to her. Telling her how much I loved her and how sorry I was. I knew I had to leave her eventually I couldn't be here all day long even if I wanted to. " I have to leave now Lilly" I kissed her forehead.
I meet up with bill, we was preparing for a concert who was gonna take place in a couple of days. " have you been at the hospital?" He asked from behind me making me stop with what I was doing " yeah" I mumbled " how was she?" He asked making me sigh and shrugged my shoulders " still the same"
" she will wake up Tom, and when she does you-"
"Bill we don't know if she will wake up..." I say "no we don't but we can't give up our hope, when she wakes up you and her-" " no bill I won't ruin her, I'm bad, I'm bad for her" I say and walks away from him as my heart was aching with the thought of her never waking up.

I was out, having to get my mind of her.
Having two drinks in my hands as I approached a girl. She was hot, her blond king hair, her body and her eyes. I began talking to her. Soon entering my apartment with her arms around me and her lips on mine. Taking of one and others clothes and backing her to my bed, our moans filling the room. The girl laid on my chest when my phone began to ring making me look at it and seeing bills name " bill?" I asked as the girl looked at me. " it's about Lilly, she's awake" he said making me sit up making the girl fall of my chest and look at me confused. " what the fuck?!" She says as I get up. " you have to leave now!" I say as I managed to get in my clothes as she rolled her eyes. " who's Lilly? Your girlfriend?!" She says as she puts on her dress. " just leave" " you could have told me you have some other whore-" she says not having to finish the sentence before my hand was on her wrist, holding it hard making her eyes get wide " leave and never say her name again"  I let go and seeing the bruise on her arm " your a pice of shit Tom kaulitz" she says with tears in her eyes before storming out of my apartment.

My hand was on my steering wheel, gripping it hard as I drove faster then what was allowed. Having so manny thoughts go around in my head. Soon seeing the hospital tone up. Seeing bill and mia waiting for me. " Tom" bill shouted as I parked my car right next to the two of them.
We walked in and we was now outside her door....

Poisonous love// tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now