Me or my brother

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I put on the tv. The first thing I see is a qossip
Side. I stop and look. " who is this new girl? Have bill kaulitz gotten a new catch?" It stood in a big and black text over the picture and there she was smiling so big next to my twin brother and soon it switched picture to them kissing in a cab. I somehow felt betrayed, I always knew he also had something for her but he was my brother, my twin brother and know he had tried getting with her after me and her. I Shake my head as my hand gets formed into a fist.
" I am so hung over" he says as he came in to my apartment. I Shake my head and stand up " had a fun night?" I say and pause the tv and turn to him who had stopped where he was and looked at the tv and then at me back and forth with wide eyes and his mouth slightly opened. " Tom I was drunk it didn't mean anything" he says but I just laugh " the moment I was out of the picture you kiss her" I say as he tried to explain " you just couldn't leave her alone"
" okay yeah fine I like her Tom but so does you-"
"No I Love her bill!" I shout from anger and jealousy as I feel the need of just wanting to punch him in that face that had kissed her so before I could think my hard fist hit his hard cheek making him back away and put his hand to his cheek and I just walk past him. Not even looking at him as I leave my own apartment as he knew that was the only thing he could have done that would have hurted me the most

Through out the whole day I looked at the message I had sent to Lilly before. " I miss you Lilly" being so impatient and worried she would choose my brother. " fuck it" I whispered as I stand up from my couch. Take my keys in my hand.

I stopped my car outside her apartment. Looking at it, I didn't know what to do now. Should I just walk in and tell her? Tell her how much I have missed her and that I'm not myself without her in my life? I sigh and lean back my head. I had been outside here so many times before. Just looking at her window. Wanting to go to her but I couldn't as I knew she couldn't forgive me.
But it was now or never.

I knock on her door. It didn't take long until a happy face opened the door as the smile also slowly faded to a shocked expression. " Tom what are you doing here?" She says as she just looks at me. " can I come in?" I say and I could see she was thinking about it until she stepped aside and opened the door. I followed her to the kitchen. " I like the apartment" I say " Tom just tell me why you are here" she sighs as she leaned her hand on the counter. I look down for a second and then up at her again. " I saw the pictures from last night..." I say low as I see her eyes sunk to the floor as she slowly nods. " I'm sorry for everything Lilly, I have regretted it and wanted to reach out to you so many times but I couldn't, I knew how much I hurted you that night and I knew how much you hated me but I can't stay away from you anymore since that night at the club I saw you talking to bill"
She had a soft smile on her lips. " I don't know what to feel or say tom" she looks at me with slightly tear filled eyes so I softly lay my cold hand onto her warm cheek. Her eyes looking at me, so deep into my eyes, I loved her green eyes. But I knew this was wrong. " I love you Lilly but if you have any feelings for my brother I can't wait any longer, I won't wait for you" I say as I feel my heart break. She closed her eyes hard and then opened them " tom I don't have or feel anything for him, it's you and it will always be you, I tried to forget you but I couldn't " she says and I let myself crush into her lips so fast and hard, gripping her waist hard as I pull her Close. She pulled away and I rested my head against hers as we looked at each other.

I wake up. Her head on my chest. I look around.

Her moans filling her bedroom, our body's being pressed together. The kisses getting so intense. Her saying my name while begging me to touch her.

I look at her as she moved. I smiled as I brush my hand over her hair so I could see her beautiful face. I lean my head back onto the head board, closing my eyes as I saw the terrible pictures from that night appear in my head once again.
I was never going to get over that feeling when I found her there. That feeling that I was loosing the one and only person that had made me able to love.

Poisonous love// tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now