Love my twin brother

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I waited up, I waited for 3 hours, being worried sick for her. Calling to her friends. They hadn't seen her.

Until I realized where she must be, I shake my head as I press on his number. " hello" he said making my blood boil. " is she at yours?" I say with an angry voice as I feel my hand getting a thigter grip of my phone in my hand. " yes she is here"
" let me talk to her" I let out quick as I heard she was there and safe. " she don't want to talk to you Tom" he said making me let out a laugh.

" don't play the hero here bill, you and me booth know she will hate you as much as she will hate me if she finds out about this, so don't act innocent" I say low but my voice filled with anger.

" it is your mistakes, she will stay here as long as she wants and I can't help if she won't be with you after this and I don't care if she will hate me as well for not telling her and lying to her face but at least I have never hurt her in any way, I have never ever pushed her" he said making me freeze. She told him about it. It was an accident, I was angry and was in pain, I didn't mean to.

" I have never hurt her bill, so don't try to get her to change how she feels about me" I say and hung up. Throwing my phone in the wall as I hear it break even more

I sat down, a glass of wishkey in my right hand and my phone in my left.

Everything got destroyed that night I cheated on her, that girl. Taylor her name was. I had seen her some times after that night, I couldn't help it, she stood out form the rest and now she where pregnant, whe booth had agreed that she would have an abortion.

I didn't feel anything for her, it where only the sex and that she where different form every girl I had ever fucked. Yes I loved Lilly with all my heart but the desires in me where to strong, I knew how wrong it was but it was how I was and Lilly knew it.

The next day I go to bill's apartment, begging Lilly to let me talk to her and she agreed.

" Lilly please let me explain" I say and she just looks at me as I follow her into the room she had been sleeping in.

" I,I...after that night I cheated on you.. I kept seeing that girl, Taylor her name is, she's pregnant now but she agreed to do an abortion-"
" do you love her" Lilly interrupted me with tears filled in her green eyes. Her lips trembled as she said it. I shook my head " no, no I don't love anyone but you" I took her hands, taking her face in my hands but she got out of my hands. " don't touch me please" she says low

I just looked at her, I understood how much pain I have caused under such a long time, she deserved to be happy after everything she had been through and the one thing I did was to hurt her.

I just looked at her, seeing the tears run down her cheeks as she just looked at me. " why Tom why?" She say so low making my heart break " I,I don't was an mistake" " no you don't do the same mistake...with the same girl over and over again" she shakes her head. " what does she have I don't?" She looked at me making my eyes get filled with tears " nothing"
She looks down, I cup her face in my hands. Kiss her hard and long, she didn't kiss me back but she didn't pull away. " please baby, I love you"
"I, I want you to leave Tom please just leave" she says with so much tiredness in her voice.

I didn't fight back, I just left, I knew i couldn't do anything more. I knew how poisonous I was, how I destroyed her over and over again even if I loved her, even if she where my world, even is she was the reason I lived.

" please make sure she's alright bill" I say as I was about to leave he noods " of course, I care about her Tom" he said making me close my eyes hard as I knew what that meant, he loved her. I looked at the door where I heard her cries from. "please bill don't take her, leave her alone even if you are in love with her,I can't live with me if the girl I loves is with my twin brother " I say as I look at him. He didn't say anything so I just left.

I sat down outside his apartment, I where empty. Nothing compared to what Lilly must feel at this exact moment. I looked up at his apartment window and closed my eyes hard as I knew, I knew he loved her and I knew that if she would stop loving me she where going to start to love my twin brother...

Poisonous love// tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now