Ch. 4 - Be Ready

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⚠️TW: Mentions of Panic Attack⚠️
It was afternoon in the ministry. Today is the day of their first concert. Yesterday, they all practiced the whole entire day. Nothing special. In return, practice doesn't start until later than usual. All the ghouls and ghoulettes were just hanging out in the common room. Well, besides one, which is the water ghoul. No one saw him this morning either. He hasn't left his room at all. He didn't even went down to eat breakfast. Everyone was quite concerned.

"So.. is anyone gonna check up on the water ghoul?" The tall ghoulette asked.

"I can," Sodo shrugged.

"I want to come with,"
The multi-ghoul stood up from the couch. Sodo opened his mouth to complain but he saw Aether giving him the look. "Fine," He grumbled. "You can come,"

"Yay," He smiled and started walking out. The two walked down the hallways in silence. Not a single word came out of their mouths until,

"Is it just me or.. I hear sobs?"
Sodo asked, quite worried.

"I hear them too," The multi-ghoul responded.

"Sounds like it's coming from his room,"

"We need to check up on him!" The multi-ghoul said worriedly as he started speed-walking to the room. Sodo followed shortly behind. The multi-ghoul didn't even bother to knock. He just went in himself.

⚠️TW: Mentions of Panic Attack⚠️
The water ghoul was found in the corner of his room. He had his head against his knees, his hands over his head and he was visibly trembling. His head was pounding. His hands were shaking very quickly. Rapid, short wheezes were coming out of him nonstop. He felt like his throat completely closed up. His chest felt very tight and painful. He felt as if his heart was going to beat right out of his chest.

"Sodo! Quick! Get Mountain or someone!"
The multi-ghoul commanded.

Sodo nodded then left the room. The multi-ghoul tried his best to console him in the time being. Just then, Mountain came in the room with Sodo behind. The earth ghoul quickly rushed over to the panicking ghoul.

"Look at me, Look at me," Mountain said. The water ghoul slightly looked up at him. His vision was quite a blur.

"Take deeeep breaths with me, okay? You're okay, you're going to be fine. Just try your best to work with me, alright?" Mountain got a hold of the water ghoul's hands and rubbed them, trying to sooth the muscle tension. "Just close your eyes and breathe in for four, breathe out for six. Try to exhale longer than inhale, okay? You can do this,"

The water ghoul nodded. The earth ghoul then began to demonstrate the breathing pattern. The water ghoul tried his best to follow along. It took some tries but he managed to keep up.

"That's it, you're doing good." Mountain continued to rub the water ghoul's hands. The fire ghoul got some water for the poor ghoul.

"Drink this once you settle down, okay? Take small sips," He said gently.

The water ghoul nodded quickly. The fire ghoul backed away to give him some space. After a couple of minutes, the water ghoul got his breathing situated and calmed down. He opened his eyes and looked around his surroundings. He saw the glass of water and took some small sips.

"You okay?" Mountain asked, still rubbing his hands. The water ghoul nodded yes in response.

"I'm so sorry," He whispered, slightly crying.

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