Ch. 10 - Names

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The new ghouls finally got their fanmade names after a week of being on tour. They were able to check due to having secret social media accounts. They mostly use twitter or instagram. Though only a few of them use tiktok. The tour bus was filled with excitement, mostly the multi-ghoul's.

"I got a name! I got a name!!!" The multi-ghoul repeatedly exclaimed.

"What is it?!" Aether asked in huge curiosity.

"I wanna know too," Sodo walked closer to them.

"Swiss!" He shouted, proudly.

Sodo snorted, "As in the cheese?"

Swiss's face dropped, giving the fire ghoul the 'Are you serious?' look.

"No, Dipshit! As in Swiss Army Knife!"

"Jeez, my bad," Sodo raised his hands up.

"That makes much more sense," Aether added.

"What did the fans name you?" Swiss smiled, looking at the water ghoul.

"Rain," he responded.

"It suits you, since you're actually calm and gentle," Aether commented.

"I guess that could be another reason why they call him that," Mountain shrugged.

The rest of the ghouls looked at him confused.
Mountain looked at Rain. The water ghoul looked annoyed.

"Can I tell them?" Mountain asked politely. Rain rolled his eyes and nodded, giving the earth ghoul his permission.

"Well-" Mountain released a light chuckle. "In the first ritual, he tried to go backstage by taking the stairs near my drum-set to take his tailcoat off but he fell during the process and I guess someone got that on tape,"

Swiss snickered as Sodo released a small laugh,

"Aww, sorry about that," the short ghoulette frowned, "Were you alright?"

"Just embarrassed," He shrugged.

"It's still a pretty name though," Aether lightly elbowed him, in attempt to cheer him up. Rain nodded in agreement. Mountain looked at the ghoulettes.

"Do you ladies have names?" He questioned them.

"They're calling me Cumulus," The short ghoulette replied.

"And they're calling me Cirrus," The taller one smiled.

"Cloud names I see, that's cute,"
Mountain complimented.

"I'm curious though," Swiss began. "How did you get the name Sodo? Like why not something related to fire?"

Sodo shrugged, "It's complicated, plus, I think the name fits perfectly,"

"Imma need proof for that, Sodomizer," Swiss grinned as he bent down to get a closer view of the fire ghoul.

"Since you asked, I'll give it to you tonight and everyone is gonna wake up to you screaming my name," Sodo grasped Swiss's chin, pulling him closer.

"I'm out," Mountain walked down the tour bus and into the kitchen. Rain followed the earth ghoul.

"You guys are too much," Cirrus shook her head.

"Tell me about it," Aether continued.

"Hey, you wanted us to get along," Sodo said as he pushed Swiss away.

"Not in this way!" Aether did a face-palm.

Swiss lightly chuckled, "But I love seeing Little spark trying his best to look tough,"

"Little spark!?" Sodo was taken aback.

"I'm figuring out a fire related name for ya, calm down,"

"That name isn't even going to be used! I already have my name from the fans," Sodo complained.

"It'll be used for a nickname, now shut up and let me think," Swiss said with attitude.

"Fuck your nicknames! I already have so much! I don't want anyone in here, especially you, calling me anything else but Sodo, do you hear me?!" Sodo pointed a finger on the multi-ghoul's chest.

"Spitfire it is," Swiss blurted out. "You like to talk a lot of shit,"

"You dick!" Sodo smacked the multi-ghoul's arm.

"Seriously! You blabber so much when you're mad. The fact that you're so small, it makes it sounds like a fly passing by," The multi-ghoul spoke as he rubbed his arm from where Sodo hit him. The fire ghoul flipped the multi-ghoul off and walked down the tour bus, further away from the other ghoul. Aether was just laughing his ass off. Copia who was sitting in the kitchen table, released a chuckle before drinking from his emotional support cup. Sodo walked over to him and sat across from him, arms crossed to his chest.

"There there, Little man. I have to say that name does suits you much more," Copia lightly chuckled.

"Not. Helping." Sodo spoke through his gritted teeth.

"I've never seen anyone so adorable when they're angry," Swiss walked up behind the fire ghoul and rubbed the top of his head.

"Stop it, Piss!" Sodo turned around.

"PISS!?" Swiss echoed.

"Isn't that a unique nickname," Cirrus spoke with slight hint of concern in her voice.

"It rhymes, doesn't it?" Sodo asked the ghoulette. "He smells like it too," He added. Cirrus released a small laugh.

"I do not smell like piss!" Swiss argued.

"Yes you do!" Sodo protested.



"You guys are too old to be fighting like toddlers," Cumulus rolled her eyes.

"He started it!" Sodo exclaimed.

"And you keep proving my point," The short ghoulette shook her head. Sodo leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"So Cardinal, what's the plan for today?" Aether asked.

"Well.. since we have 2 days of break. I asked our fellow driver to drive us to a hotel somewhere near our venue,"

"Hotel?" Mountain turned his attention to Copia. He's been dying to get a big stretch. Tour buses could be quite uncomfortable for a tall ghoul.

"Why yes, I figured we all deserve a break from this tour bus and give our legs a big stretch," He smiled. "There's no need to worry about paying! I got everything under control,"

"Thanks Cardinal!" Mountain smiled. Aether sat next to Copia and gave him one of his best hugs as a thank you gesture. Copia patted the quintessence ghoul's head.

"I can also take a break from this gremlin," Swiss rolled his eyes, referring to Sodo.

"We all can," Aether teased.

Sodo flipped them off using both hands. Everyone continued to talk or mess around with each other until they've reached their destination.

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