Ch. 5 - Here We Go, Concert One

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Copia and everyone else huddled up together in a circle. Copia cleared his throat and began to deliver his little motivational speech.

"We are going to do fantastic. I just know it! Don't overthink it, okay? The fans are the most friendliest people you'll ever meet. There is no reason for them to hate you lovely creatures. Just be yourself and rock their socks off," Copia spoke to them.

All the ghouls and ghoulettes nodded. They all released each other and grabbed their instruments. One by one, they went up on stage and got into their places. They first started off by playing the instrumental 'Ashes'. After that, the very first song they played was 'Rats'. Then moved onto 'Absolution'. Upcoming was 'Con Clavi Con Dio'. The water ghoul stood in between Mountain and the ghoulettes. He reminded himself to focus on his playing, not the crowd. He then started to play the intro. Aether went up the stairs and hyped the water ghoul up. After the intro, Aether then jumped off the stairs. Sodo began to head-bang aggressively. The multi-ghoul watched him head-bang. He's head-banging as if he doesn't have a skull or bones, The multi-ghoul thought. The multi-ghoul was too focused on looking at the fire ghoul. He almost forgot to sing.

"Siamo con clavi," Copia sang.

"Siamo con dio," The multi-ghoul followed.

"Siamo con il nostro," Copia sang.

"Dio oscuro," The multi-ghoul followed once more.

Sodo tried his best to hear the multi-ghoul's singing but the microphone was too quiet. It was also being drowned out by the other instruments. However, he got more chances to hear him sing as they went through the setlist. It was now time for the guitar battle. Sodo and Aether stood on their side of the stage. They proceeded to do their guitar battle. They continued back and forth, teasing each other. Aether was very confident that he won. He started bowing towards the crowd. Sodo nearly thought he was done for but he managed to come up with something better. He threw his guitar pick at Aether. The quintessence ghoul hid behind his guitar in response. Sodo kept teasing him to go on but Aether came up with nothing. He simply just ran back stage. Sodo shook his head in response and begun to play 'Cirice'. Aether came back and played the same rhythm. The water ghoul came down to the front and moved his head to the beat. Once again, they all went through the setlist. The multi-ghoul has been absent for most of 'Miasma'. He was told that he was going to have to changed into a Papa Nihil costume for the saxophone solo. Sodo found it funny how the multi-ghoul has to change into something so ridiculous. During his solo, Aether & Sodo rushed up the stairs and stood in front of him. They then stood besides him and danced to the saxophone. Sodo leaned back a bit to get closer to the "multi-ghoul". Sodo grinned under his mask. He was pretty stunned of what this multi-ghoul could do. Not only does he play the tambourine but he sings, plays guitar, and plays the saxophone. Sodo hoped that the multi-ghoul will get a fanmade name that's very suitable. When the solo ended, the multi-ghoul went backstage. Sodo and Aether went down the stairs. Later on, they began to play 'If You Have Ghost'. The multi-ghoul loved the way Sodo played that guitar solo. He admired each of the fire ghoul's solos. He made it look so fucking easy. The way his hands moved smoothly from fret to fret, tab to tab. It was just perfect. That fire ghoul really does impress him. He just wishes that one day he could at least be a friend to him. After the solo, Copia began to introduce the ghouls.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up.. FOR GHOULLL," He gestured at Sodo. Sodo licked his guitar pick and threw it in the crowd.

"On my other side, very far away," Copia did a little jog over to the quintessence ghoul. "standing strong, built well, everywhere. Give it up.. FOR GHOULLLL" Aether bowed to the crowd.

Copia walked close to the multi-ghoul,
"For those of you who are observant and not singing to far away may have noticed that we have 3 guitar players on stage! A multi-ghoul who not only playing various types of guitar but is also shaking shit and also singing shit and singing good shit! I also want to show you something for the ladies. Why don't you give it to them," Copia motioned at the multi-ghoul. The multi-ghoul nodded and started to shimmey. The crowd cheered for him.

"There you have it! So ladies and gentlemen.. give it up FOR GHOULLL," Copia got on one knee and bowed to the multi-ghoul. In response, he also did a bow and did a Baphomet hand sign. Copia then moved closer to the drum.

"If you brought your binoculars tonight. Maybe you people who sit in the back could see a straight vision, facing in front of me. You'll be able to sort of see through this hole here," He pointed at the bass drum. "Or maybe in the front as well," he added as he crouched down to look at the hole.

"Can you see the hole? I'm referring to the hole in the drums, not my butthole. If you look close enough to the hole in the bass drum. You will see a foot and it happens to be kicking your asses all night long! If you follow that foot up north, there rises a sitting man. So ladies and gentlemen.. give it up for GHOULLLL," Copia signaled at the earth ghoul. The spotlight went on Mountain as he did a little drum solo. Copia then moved to the middle of the stairs. He turned around, away from the crowd and started slightly shaking his ass.

"Oh you think I'm making an ass of myself? I would never do that! I'm imitating you! That is your asses wobbling. Do you know what causes your asses to wobble like that? The bass, correct! Standing on two thin legs, starting at the bottom all the way to the top.. is our grand master Ass Wobbler. Who is responsible for all this ass wobbling! Ladies and gentlemen.. give it up for GHOULLL," The water ghoul played a little bass solo for the crowd. After that, beautiful sounds were coming from the keyboard.

"Can you hear it?" Copia placed his hand close to his ear. "A sweet sound coming from this part of the stage that we refer to as the cage and within this cage, we keep two lionesses. Let me introduce you to the first one," Copia walked closer to the taller ghoulettes' keyboard.

"Playing the piano and also plays an amazing keytar! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for GHOULETTEEEE," The taller ghoulette put her arms up and waved at everyone.

Copia then waddled over to the shorter ghoulette.
"This, is our second lioness. Hammering her claws on the keyboard and shaking the shit out of tambourines and roaring beautiful vocals for you. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for GHOULETTEEEE," He bowed to her. She blew kisses towards the crowd.

"And we are ghost!" Copia bowed. He talked a bit more to the crowd before continuing on with the song. After that song, 'Dance Macabre' was next. The multi-ghoul danced the entire time of that song. This is his song for sure. He danced happily to the guitar solo. Sodo looked at the multi-ghoul's platform. This ghoul never stops moving, does he? He mentally face palmed himself. The last song played was 'Square Hammer'. After that, was encore. The very very last song played was 'Monstrance Clock'. When it was the keyboard solo, the ghouls surrounded the taller ghoulette, praising her solo once again. Sodo took another glance at the multi-ghoul's platform. Does that ghoul even play the guitar or does he just dance around with it most of the times? He thought. However, he must admit that he loved the way his hips moved to the music. He made himself snap out of those thoughts and continued to play. When the song ended, Each of the ghouls headed to the front of the stage. They accepted gifts that were laying on the stage floor. Finally, They all got together and lined up. They held hands and began to bow. They bowed like three times before they left the stage. Cardinal stood on top of the stairs and gave his final bow. After that, the stage went dark.

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