Ch. 2 - Normal Practice

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Everyone was now in the practice room. They got their instruments settled in. They all went through the setlist and began to play the first song/introduction which was the song 'Ashes'. Nothing too difficult for the ghouls. After that, was the song 'Rats'. Everything went well as they went through the songs. The tiny ghoulette's vocals were great during 'Per Aspera Ad Inferi'. The tall ghoulette also did amazing with her keytar solo during 'Mummy Dust'. The multi-ghoul was just shaking the living hell out of the tambourine. Copia was proud of how quick the new recruits learned each song on the setlist. There are teeny bits of mess ups but they still have tomorrow. After about 5 hours of practice, they were finished.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I am very positive that we are going to do just great. Now please, go ahead and get some rest," Copia smiled as he gave each ghoul a fist bump before leaving. The multi-ghoul continued to shake his tambourine, stretching his arm out slowly towards Sodo, making him irritated.

"Stop that!" The fire ghoul shoved his arm away.

"My bad, little one," The multi-ghoul apologized.

Sodo huffed in frustration as he flipped him off. He shook his head and placed his guitar back in its stand. Mountain got up from his drums and did a big ass stretch with a long groan. Everyone just stared at him, concerned.


"Take your time," Aether spoke.

Mountain shrugged then cracked his back and neck. "Much better,"

The ghoulettes just giggled at him.

"I'm being serious, what's with all the stares?"
He asked, quite embarrassed.

"Are you good?" The multi-ghoul gave him a questionable look.

"He does that all the time," Sodo spoke up, popping his hands.

"It could be a pain sometimes," Mountain rubbed the back of his neck.

"Don't worry, I understand."
The multi-ghoul grinned.

"Sooo, Newbie, Do you wanna finish our game?" Aether started jumping.

"Are you really gonna call me that?"
He slightly frowned.

"We should until you get a name from the fans," Sodo said.

The multi-ghoul sighed, "alright then,"

"Welll.. if you win our game then I'll call you something different," Aether smiled.

"Well then I better step up my game,"
He laughed.

"Let's go then," Aether put an arm around his shoulder and started walking back to the common room. Mountain started leaving to his room same as the ghoulettes. Sodo was about to make his way to the common room but he noticed the water ghoul still playing his bass.

"Practice is over, you know," He spoke to him.

The water ghoul looked at him and then at his bass.

"Are you going to practice a little more?" He asked.

The water ghoul nodded yes.

"I could help you if you need," Sodo shrugged.

The water ghoul had a little surprised look on his face. He then nodded quickly, wanting help. Sodo grabbed an extra bass and sat in-front of the taller ghoul. Sodo got his setlist and placed it between them. The water ghoul pointed at the song he struggled the most.

"Con Clavi Con dio? I must admit that one was a struggle but you'll get used to it. I promise, you just got to take it slow at first,"

The water ghoul nodded. Sodo started with having the water ghoul get comfortable with the up and down stroke pattern with the strings. He then told the water ghoul to make sure his hands work together with the hammer-ons and pull-offs. After a bit of practice, he managed to do it at the good pace. "Very good," Sodo nodded. They then moved onto the verse part and then the chorus, and so forth. They took another hour into practicing and there we have it. The water ghoul managed to play the song without any struggles.
Sodo felt very proud being able to help someone. They both took their basses off and set it on its stand. The water ghoul was quite curious about how the fire ghoul knows so much about the bass. However, he decided to stay quiet about it.

"Thank you.." The water ghoul spoke.

"Anytime," Sodo smiled.

The water ghoul smiled back before leaving the room.

"Wow, I didn't know you have a little nice in you," The multi-ghoul said, leaning against a wall. "You even made the quiet one talk,"

"How long have you been in here!?"
Sodo growled.

"Relax! Not long enough. I just came by to get my water bottle," He put his hands up.

"Well it doesn't take more than 30 seconds to do that,"

The multi-ghoul sighed,
"Jeez, why can't you treat me nicely?"

"Because you piss me off," Sodo crossed his arms.

"By what? Being hot?" The multi-ghoul said jokingly as he pretended to flip his hair.

"See, you're just so cocky. You act like everyone here loves you already. You act like you're already famous!" Sodo replied, angrily.

"Alright, alright! I don't really mean to act like that,"

"Yeah, whatever," Sodo grumbled.
"Just.. don't be too much of an attention grabber during the concerts,"

The multi-ghoul sighed once more, "I'm not even trying to start a competition with you. Plus, you're the hottest of the bunch. I don't think I could beat you that easily,"

The fire ghoul rolled his eyes then went out the practice room. The multi-ghoul still had no clue what the fire ghouls' problem was. He retrieved his water bottle and headed back to the common room.

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