Ch. 6 - Good so far

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They all got their things situated and went back in the tour bus.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" Copia made fast little claps. "We're doing good so far!"

"Thank you, Cardinal!" The multi-ghoul smiled.

Mountain did a big ass yawn and stretched,
"I'm gonna take a nap," He said as he walked to his bed.

"Well take a shower first,"
The short ghoulette crossed her arms. Mountain looked down at her.

"You're soaked in sweat," The taller ghoulette pointed out.

Mountain sighed deeply in response, "Fine,"
He went over to his luggage and picked out some comfy clothes. He then went over to the bathroom. The ghoulettes looked at each other and giggled. Aether headed over to the mini kitchen and grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.

"When will you ever eat a fruit other than bananas?" Sodo remarked.

"Never," Aether giggled and sat down on the couch, peacefully eating his banana. The multi-ghoul sat between Sodo and Aether, putting his arms over their shoulders.

"That concert was so fun!!" He slightly yelled excitedly.

"You don't have to yell!" Sodo shot at him.

"But you just yelled," The multi-ghoul grinned.

"It wasn't as loud as yours!" Sodo rolled his eyes.

"You're still raising your voiceeee~" The multi-ghoul sang, leaning closer to him.

Sodo groaned and ran his hands down his face. The multi-ghoul giggled at his success to annoy the fire ghoul.

"You laugh like a hyena," Sodo cringed.
The multi-ghoul laughed even more. Sodo rolled his eyes in response. He got up and sat next to Aether. Further away from the multi-ghoul.

"He isn't wrong though," Aether teased, playfully elbowing the multi-ghoul.

"Oh whatever," The multi-ghoul grinned.

"I'm gonna go shower next," Aether got up and went over to his luggage to pick out some clothes. Sodo was now left alone on the couch with the multi-ghoul. Everyone else was either on their beds or in the kitchen. The multi-ghoul scooted closer to the fire ghoul.

"I must say, you're really good at playing guitar. It looks like you're not even putting effort into it. Like- your hands run so smoothly through the chords. What shocked me was that someone so aggressive like you could even play the acoustic guitar," He spoke as if he actually means it.

Sodo looked at him blankly. He truly didn't know what to say. He honestly has no clue how to respond to compliments.

"Thanks," He said dryly. "You aren't so bad yourself,"

"Why thank you," The multi-ghoul said in a British accent and placed a hand on his chest.

"You still annoy me though," Sodo crossed his arms.

"Good to know it's working," The multi-ghoul giggled. Sodo huffed in frustration.

"You may be good at most things but you're definitely not good at making friends,"

"Aether already considers me as his friend," The multi-ghoul shrugged. "I think you're just describing yourself,"

"Hey!" Sodo turned his full attention to him, quite angry.

"What!?" The multi-ghoul threw his hands up. "It's true! I'm out here trying to be friendly! You on the other hand, take everything as a threat!How are you going to make friends if you're going to continue being a pain!?"

Sodo gritted his teeth and growled,
"That's becaus-"

"What's going on here?" Copia placed his hands on his hips.

"Uh," The multi-ghoul began. "Just talking!!" He giggled, nervously.

"That didn't sound like talking at all," Mountain peaked over the bed.

Copia did a face palm, "Can we pretty please not argue with one another. I want us all to be friends and take care of each other. There should be no reason to be mean. If being friends is too much for you guys then at least be respectful towards each other,"

"Sorry Cardinal," Sodo sighed.

"Our apologies," The multi-ghoul followed.

"Thank you, now why don't you lovely ghouls go ahead and get some sleep. It's been quite a day,"

"Yes Cardi," The multi-ghoul got up and got ready for bed. Sodo got up as well and also got ready.

The beds were settled up in bunk beds. Most of the beds are already claimed. However, there are two bunks across from each other. One has a top bunk available, the other has the bottom bunk.

"I'll get the top one," Sodo and the multi-ghoul said at the same time. They then looked at each other.

"You know what," The multi-ghoul grinned. "Why don't you have the top bunk,"

Sodo looked at him confused with the sudden "kindness".

"You'll have the chance to see what it's like up there," He giggled. Mountain, who was resting below the empty top bunk, released a laugh.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sodo's face dropped.

"Sorry, sorry! I couldn't stop myself, go ahead," The multi-ghoul snickered.

Sodo wanted to say so much more but it's better to just accept the offer.

"Whatever," He said before he climbed on the ladder.

"That was kind of funny," Mountain smiled.

"Shut up, you're the size of a redwood tree!" Sodo shot back. The multi-ghoul laughed.

"You're the size of a coffee bean," Mountain responded.

Sodo groaned loudly. Aether shifted to face towards the fire ghoul.

"Can you please be quiet!" Aether whispered-yell.
He was sleeping above the empty bottom bunk.

"Jeez, sorry," Sodo rolled his eyes. Aether then faced away from Sodo and went back to sleep.
Mountain and the multi-ghoul quietly laughed. The multi-ghoul got settled in his bed. The three remaining ghouls awake proceeded to have conversations in a whisper. Sodo mostly talked to Mountain, not giving any fucks about what the multi-ghoul had to say. Later on, they all finally went to sleep and the next concert awaits.

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