The Start

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Kai's POV:
   "Why can't you stop being cocky for five seconds and just think things through?!" Jay asks.
   "We need to focus and right now you aren't offering much help. Are you in this or not Kai?" questions Lloyd.
   "Kai, we need you to cooperate. Lately you've been doing all these flashy moves and getting distracted," Zane points out.
   "Yeah! We almost got caught multiple times because you're just thinking about yourself and getting all cocky. We've had to rescue and jeopardize the mission countless times now!" Cole shouts angrily.
   "I..." I look  to Nya.
   "I'm sorry Kai, but they're right. You can't just go off on your own," she tells me, shaking her head.

   "Just try to get your head in the game, will you?" Lloyd asks, putting out his hand. I stand there for a second. Feeling angry. It isn't my fault. I can't help it. Sure maybe sometimes, but I am trying. I am trying to hard to be better, but I just make it worse.

   I slap away his hand.
   "You know what? I'm out of this!" I yell.
   "Wait, Kai you can't just leave!" Jay protests.
   "Fucking watch me!" I spit.
   "Kai! Apologize!" Nya demands. I ignore her.

   But behind the anger I could feel the tears start to rise up.
   "Kai, Jay was just trying to—" Zane starts, but gets cut off.
   "Just stop Zane!"
   "Kai, we're just saying—" Lloyd tries to speak.
   "JUST...shut up! Can you all just leave me alone?" I turn and meet Cole's eyes for a second which look regretful and sad, before breaking eye contact.

   I stomp off, angry frustrated tears blurring my eyes. I can hear footsteps and then whispering...and then nothing.

Cole's POV:
   I attempt to go after him, but Nya and Zane stop me.
   "Give him time," Zane says.
   "I thought we were being reasonable?" Jay says.
   "Great." Lloyd sighs. "I handled that terribly didn't I?"
   "We all did," I reply.
   "Fuck," Lloyd states. We all stood here, not knowing what to do. I felt really bad.

Kai's POV:
   I dry my eyes and wipe my nose. I should tell them I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out. I shouldn't have stormed off. I'm just proving their point, that I'm immature and impulsive. I just need to distract myself for now.


The alarm sounds throughout the bounty and I reluctantly turn to head inside, sweating because I was training, trying to think of what to say. I head over to meet up with everyone.
   "Where's Kai?" Cole asks.
   "Right here," I say. He hesitantly pats my shoulder. The room is tense.
   "Great, we're all here," Lloyd announces, already giving us the breakdown. "There was a break in at Kyrptarium Prison to get someone out. As far as we're aware, they headed to Ninjago city because there have been reports of disturbances and trouble there. We have to find and return them. Got it?" Everyone nods.
   "Alright then, let's roll."
"Wait," I say. Everyone pauses. "I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out like that. You're right. I'm being selfish. I have been trying to be less selfish, but I let my fear get the best of me. I'll try harder I swear."
"We're sorry too. We shouldn't have bashed you like that," Zane responds.
"This calls for a group hug!" Jay exclaims. "Now bring it in!" I laugh and we all hug and make up.

   I cornered the snake causing all of this. Yeah, that's right. A snake. Some random cast out Hypnobrai that has been causing trouble so he was locked away.
"Let me go!" he spits.
"Fat chance, whatever your name is."
"It's Fang."
"Okay, snake. Release your control on these guys and you get to go back to prison while we celebrate. How's that sound?"
"Ugh! I just wanted to prove I could put you ssstupid land dwellersss in your place," he hisses.
"Get him." Fang hypnotizes the people around and I'm cornered now.

Oh, how the tables have turned. He pivots away and leaves me to be surrounded while I try not to harm the citizens. It's impossible though. There is nowhere to turn.
"I'm sorry, but I have to do this!" I shout, pushing them and kicking them out of the way. Then something jumped in front of me, catching me off guard. I whirl around and fall over.
"BOO!" I realize too late what Fang was doing. I feel myself get woozy and go numb. I lose control of my body and then black out.

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