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Cole's POV:
   I wake up and yawn. It's bright and seems late out. If I listen very carefully I can hear sounds in the kitchen. Everyone else is probably awake. I sink back down into the couch, but I hear breathing that's not my own and my eyes open. I look down and see Kai, snoring softly on top of my chest, like it's a pillow. I didn't even notice him on top of me. One of his arms is draped over my body. I'm now hyper aware of every movement and sound I make. I'm scared anything I do is gonna wake Kai up.

   He looks so peaceful and cute in his sleep. It's like all his fiery parts have gone to sleep too and it's just the calm little bits leftover. Obviously I've seen him sleep before, but I was never this close.

   I slowly move my hand into his soft hair. Ever since I messed with his hair last night, I can't seem to get my hands out of it. It's so fluffy . I very gently run my fingers through the strands. He moves and I startle, but he doesn't wake. Kai's arms shift and wrap around me, hugging me to him. I inhale deeply and slowly breathe out a sigh of relief that I didn't wake him. I close my eyes and continue to play with his shiny brown hair.

   I wouldn't trade this for the world.

   I hear footsteps and open my eyes.
   "Aww! You guys are so cute!" Jay comments.
   "Sh! You're gonna wake him up!" I whisper as softly as possible.
   "It's obvious you like Kai, Cole," Nya says. "Don't worry, I approve." She smiles. "Do anything stupid though and you're dead." Her smile turns bitter and cold. She glared at me. I quickly nod my head.
"I would never do anything to him!" I say sincerely. And I mean it with all my heart. She smiles cheerfully again and walks off with Jay who is definitely gonna tease me with this later.

A few minutes later Kai shifts around and his eyes flutter open.
"Morning sleepyhead," I say.
"," he mumbles.
"It's time to get up Kai."
"You...get up..I'll stay here."
"I can't get up until you get up," I say patiently.
"Why not?" he yawns.
"Cause you're on top of me, holding me captive!" He looks at his arms which he realizes are wrapped around me. Kai sits up fast.
He looks down at my chest where he was just laying his head. His eyes widen and his tan skin turns red.
"My bad," he apologizes.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, Kai," I laugh. He shakes his head and I get up, ruffling his hair. I beam at him and he smiles up at me.
"I like seeing your face Kai. You don't have to wear that mask around us." I mean that figuratively and literally.
"I know, I know. I'll wear it less Cole." I nod.

"Let's go see what's for breakfast." I hold out my hand and he takes, yawning again and stretching before we make our way to the kitchen. Kai is a couple steps behind me, fatigued with sleep. "Morning guys!" I say.
   "Good morning Cole. Jay is making breakfast." I don't know if this is part of his plan or not.
   "Hey Kai. You look tired."
   "Well not getting sleep and then walking up a thousand steps sure does that to you." I put my hand on his shoulder. Honestly, I just do these movements subconsciously and I hope I don't weird him out, but he smiles, so I'll take that as a no.

   "AHHH!" Oh for fuck's sake. We all get up and run over to Jay. There's a fire. We all stop in our tracks. Kai's eyes widen and he looks down at his hands.
   "Put it out!" Lloyd shouts. Zane and Nya quickly use their powers to freeze and put it out. There's a hiss and steam floats up to the ceiling.
   "Sorry about that...Who wants bacon? Extra crispy!"
   "Oh come on Jay!"  I scold. "You're never making breakfast again. You are very lucky we have a lovely ice and water master here or you might've burned the monastery down. Again! This poor place has been through too much!"
   "Okay, okay. My bad." I look to Kai who seems out of it. Nya notices too and we come to a mutual agreement as she takes Kai away.

   "I will make breakfast. Jay will stay here to watch how it's done," I announce. Everyone nods and goes to sit back down.
   "Jay. Was that on purpose?!" I hiss.
   "Well, I was thinking whether I should do it or not, then I decided against it, I swear! I zoned out for too long and when I snapped back to reality there was a fire."
   "Maybe we shouldn't stick with your plan."
   "I'll make it work! Just give me a chance."
   "Fine, but causing a fire and bringing back Kai's trauma is not the way to do it. Did you see him?" I berate.
   "I get it Cole. I hurt our friend and traumatized your crush, I'm sorry!"
   "I'm gonna ignore the last part, but please apologize."
   "I will." He goes back to the dining room. I just bring out cereal and the salvaged bacon.

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