Friends Again, V.I.P. Talks, & A Sleepover

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Kai's POV:
   Hanging out with everyone again has been awesome. I forgot what it was like to just be with the gang and laugh along with them.
   "Kai, let's talk," Fey says after I come back from working a shift at Laughy's.
   "What did you wanna talk about?"
   "Your life."
   "That's a little vague. What do you mean?"
   "I mean being a ninja again."
   "You knew?!"
   "How could I not? It was very obvious and clear."
   "So why did you not mention it until just now?" I don't know where this is going.
  "Because I think it's clear something's going on and I think it has to do with the other ninja," she admits.

   "They don't know it's me and I wasn't planning on going back anytime soon," I tell her.
   "I know, but if it is preventing you, I just wanted to say don't let us hold you from going back. We want what's best for you, and I believe you are happier with them."
"What're you saying?" I ask, frowning.
"She's saying that don't let us prevent you from returning to being a ninja. I think it's better that way too, for you and your friends. I think you should tell them too," Rowan says, entering the room.
"I don't wanna leave you guys here though."
"Kai, we'll be just fine dear." Fey smiles.
"Of course you can stay a little longer until you tell them, son," Rowan says. "But once you do you should stay with them. Obviously we'd love for you to visit and everything."
"I..." My mind thinks about this decision. Everyone was saying it now. After months of hiding and weeks of hanging out with everyone it was bound to happen. I want to do it on my terms though.

"I'll tell them. Tomorrow," I say finally.
"We love you Kai. And we want you to be happy," Fey says.
   "I love you guys too, thanks for taking me in and everything. I'm gonna miss you. I'll definitely visit and maybe bring my sister so you can meet her."
   "That sounds lovely. It's late now though, so we're gonna head to bed."
   "Night, Kai," Rowan yawns.

   In my room I can't seem to drift off to sleep. Maybe I shouldn't have said I'd do it tomorrow. But I don't want to chicken out and wait.

I think about how I'll confess the truth. We're going to meet up at the monastery anyway and then get ice cream or something. I think of all the ways I could tell them, but every scenario has a bad ending.
   I finally close my eyes and sleep. However, I'm plagued with nightmares by what they'll say to me after I tell the truth.

Cole's POV:
We hung out and became close friends. I am definitely crushing hard again. It's getting hard to conceal my feelings, but I still need to prove it's Kai before getting into anything. And the bigger question, if he likes me back. He hasn't given anything away though. He's really stubborn. Anything about being our old Kai. At least doesn't seem to mind all my extra hugs and things.

"Meeting, ASAP!" Jay alarms.
"What's going on?" Lloyd asks.
"Another attack on the city perhaps?" Zane suggests.
"What is it this time?" Nya questions.
"Guys, calm down! It's not an attack. I'm tired of waiting around to see if it's truly Kai. I mean at this point we know it is. Like one hundred percent sure, but I still wanna hear it from him myself! I say we finally test out my plan!" Jay says excitedly.
"I kinda have to agree with Jay," Nya says. "It's been weeks and honestly I don't need weeks to be able to tell that that is Kai."
"I agree with all of you. But how are we going to go about your plan of...danger? We're not gonna be put in any real harm are we?" Zane questions.
"Of course not! I was thinking that we could go to the pool or the beach. Somewhere. And one of us could start drowning! But really we're acting. Nya can help us pull it off," Jay explains.
"That's a horrible idea, Jay! Nya is literally the master of water, it'd be difficult to fake drown with the master of water literally right there," I sigh, shaking my head.
"Not if she's not there. She can get a drink real quick or something while you drown."
"Me?! Why me?!"
"Because! It's obvious he likes you the most, he's literally attached to you!"
"That's not true! It could be cause I y'know, saw him first," I make an excuse. I can feel the tips of my ears redden.
"Sure buddy. Now show me your best fake drowning."

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