Theories At The Monastery

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We're almost at the monastery. Man, I forgot how many steps there were. I really gotta train more.
"Hope you aren't too tired," Cole says.
"Tired or not, I'm still gonna beat you!" I challenge. My legs feel like fucking jelly. I take a step, sweating and panting. I take another and almost fall over.
I feel a strong, but gentle arm catch me.
"Thanks," I say breathless. I don't think the steps are the only things that took the air out of me.
Cole supports me as we go the rest of the way together. When we get to the top I look around. It's nice being back in the monastery. It seems the same as before I left. We walk to the video game room and picked out a series of games. Cole handed me a controller and we sat down on the couch.
"May the best gamer win," Cole says.
"I plan on it."
"Don't get too cocky now!"
"Says you!" I reply, We playfully argue back and forth. It's kind of like old times.

   "Hah! I beat you," I say, grinning victoriously.
   "Only cause I let you!"
   "Sure man. Whatever you say." I set the controller down and look at him.
   "We should get a snack. I was thinking cake." I raise a brow. "What? Cake is the most amazing dessert in all of existence. It's crumbly and moist! And sweet. Chocolate is the best flavor, obviously." I laugh, admiring his love for cake.
   "Let's go already then. I might eat all the cake because you're so slow."
   "No you don't!"
   "Let's race!" I say.
   "Oh, it's on!"

   "I win! Again. No need for all the applause," I boast.
   "How's you even know where the kitchen was?"
   "Because uh—" I falter. "I've been in many houses and it's usually where the kitchen is?" He looks at me funny, but doesn't push it. Shit that was too close. We grab snacks and go back to gaming.
Loud voices can be heard and Cole and I get up.
"We're back. Oh, is this the friend you're having over?" Lloyd asks.
"Yeah, this is Kai."
"K—" Jay shouts.
"Not that Kai..." Cole says. He looks at me. "A...different Kai."
"He's kinda similar." Jay looks me up and down. It makes me anxious.

I change the subject.
"You guys are soaked!" I say.
"It's storming. That's why we came back," Nya explained.
"It's nice to meet you," Zane says.
"You too!" I smile.
"I'm pretty sure you're familiar with all the other ninja, but just to make sure, that's Zane. That's Jay and Nya, and Lloyd."
"Yep, I got it." Man I wanted to hug them all so bad, but I had to control myself or I'd blow my cover or just seem like a creepy fan. Both were horrible.

"I should get back now," I say. "I don't wanna bother you all."
"You're gonna go back in this freak storm?!" Jay exclaims.
"You're not a bother at all either," Zane tells me.
"You should stay until the storm passes, it's not safe," Cole says.
"The storm won't pass until early tomorrow morning," Zane informs.
"You could stay the night," Cole quickly offers.
"As long as you all are okay with it." Everyone nods. "Let me just text Fey real quick."

"Who's Fey?" Jay asks.
"Jay, leave the poor guy alone!" Nya reprimands.
"It's fine, she's like my guardian," I explain.
"Like you're guardian, but not your guardian? Are you adopted like me?" Jay asks. Nya drags a hand down her face.
"Eh, I guess. That incident months back...the fire, well I got caught in it and she and her husband found me and have taken care of me since."
"That's really nice of them," Nya says.
"Yeah, it is."

"What's with the mask and gloves?" Lloyd asks, suspiciously.
"Oh, well I got a some scars from the fire and I don't really like them, so I cover them up," I admit.
"I'm sorry," Lloyd says.
"It's fine," I tell him.
"Alright, enough questions!" Cole commands. "That's too many in a row. Nya, control Jay better please."
"Hey, I'm not an animal!" Jay argues. But Cole is dragging me away.

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