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I show up at Laughy's and Dareth greets me.
"Hey newbie, you seem like a good guy, but in case you aren't, don't try anything! I have many trophies, the highest belt, and I'm the brown ninja. No funny business allowed!" I stop myself from laughing and slowly nod.
"Got it, Sir," I say.
"Alright, well, I'm going now. By the way, Lia is your coworker. If you need anything just ask her."

He didn't even show the ropes or anything. In fact he didn't even interview me. Dareth just ditched. On the other hand, maybe I don't really need a slow start.
I mean it can't be too hard to just serve a few drinks and keep everybody entertained is it?

That's what I thought at first anyway. I still have a little bit of my charm left with the ladies and some regulars mention that they don't recognize me and ask about being new. I tell them vague things. Keep it mysterious, but I'm not really interested in them. I make a lame excuse about having to serve someone else and back away for a minute. I turn around and bump into my coworker.
"Lia!" I say.
"Kai?" she exclaims.
"I know Dareth said I was working with a Lia, but I didn't think it was you!"
" Same! What's up?"
"Nothing much. So this is where you came to work after being in the human piñata business?"
"Yep. I assume the same with you?"
"Yeah. I can't believe we're working together again. No more little kids chasing after you?" She laughs, blue eyes twinkling.
"I seriously think that kid had it out for me!" I defend. Then we laugh together. I met Lia during my second try at being a human piñata. I was hired for her little brother's birthday. We became friends and hung out. She knows I don't really talk about personal things, but she doesn't mind. It's great to see her again.

As much as I'm glad to see and old friend, it would be nice to see an even older one.

And with just my luck an older friend enters.

It's Cole.

My heart races.
He's looks more jacked than ever. Guess he's been working out. Though there's a solemness in his eyes that I've never seen before. He sits down at the counter, looking at the stage. Maybe remembering how we all hung out and sang here. He turns and looks at me expectantly. Does he recognize me? Why's he here? Is anyone else coming?

"Uh...can I get a drink?"

Oh, shit right! I have a job. I completely forgot.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry about that Co—Sir! Sorry about that Sir!"

Oh FSM I'm a wreck.

He raises a brow, but says nothing. "What would you like?"
"Something strong." Oh...Well...customer's always right I guess.
"Hard day?"
"I guess, just one of those days that are plain shitty," he seems far away. He doesn't continue, but I wish he would. I take a risk.
"Aren't you one of the ninja?
"Youcould say I'm a big fan of you?" This was kinda awkward. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. 
"Oh, thanks."
"Did you come here with anyone?" I try to ask nonchalantly.
"I was planning on it, but something came up last minute."
"Yeah, haha. I hate when that happens." I pour his drink and he takes a long sip. I open my mouth to say something, but I don't know what to say, and I'm being called over to serve someone else, so I turn away from Cole.

I keep an eye on Cole the whole time though. I serve him a couple shots and Lia serves him some drinks too. She looks at me and knows something's up, but doesn't mention it. I'm too busy to really notice though. I'm worried for Cole. How's he gonna get home?

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