New Life

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1 month later...

Kai's POV:
"He's waking up! Get some water in case he's thirsty!" A soft voice says.

I open my eyes. The light is blinding.
"Where...? Where am I? What happened? And who are you?" I bombard the person with questions.
"Calm down, dear. You're in my house. You've been out for a while."
"How long is a while?" I question, afraid to know.

"It's been almost a month."
"A month?!"
"Yes. Don't strain yourself." I slowly sit up. Everything feels weird. Like I'm dreaming.

"Are you hurrying up with that water?" Fey asks.
"I'm hurrying Fey!" a man says. He enters the room and hands me the water. I gladly drink it.

"Thanks, but who are you? And how did I end up here?" I rub my head.
"I'm Fey," introduces the lady. "And this is Rowan, my husband." Fey gestures to the man. "And how you got here...well Rowan and I were walking and the fire was still going, but it wasn't spreading. They were starting to put it out.Then we saw you just barely living, crawling out of there. Burns and scratches all over you. It's a miracle you survived."

It takes me a moment to process a response.
   "Thanks for taking me in I guess...Are we're in Ninjago city?"
   "No, we live a little far outside Ninjago city. But we were stopping by that time," Fey explains. We almost got caught in that fire too, but the ninja helped us."
   "Oh. I see..." Damn it. How could I have let this happen?
   "I'll leave you alone for a bit, dear."

   Now it's time to really freak out.

What in the First Spinjitzu Master?! I was asleep for a whole month and now I'm with the sweet old couple, far outside Ninjago city?! What should I do?

What is everyone doing?
How are they doing?
They've got to be still searching for me?
Or do they think I'm dead?
Should I go back?
Or are they better off without me? I mean I started this mess and I'm too weak to really do anything anyway...

My head is spinning with unanswered questions.

   I take a breath to calm down. I don't wanna burn this place down too. I take in my surroundings. I look at my body.
Skinny, weak, fragile...and these horrible scars. Everywhere. I struggle out of bed and look for the bathroom using the wall as my crutch. I find it and face the mirror.
   Even my face is scarred. It isn't as bad, maybe because I was wearing my hood, but it is definitely a little noticeable.

Tears slide down my cheeks. I lost my life. I don't know what to do. I notice Fey in the reflection and she sees me in here, so she comes in.
   "Are you alright sweetie?"
   "I..don't know," I answer honestly.
   "Healing takes time."
   "I'm just stumped. I don't know where my friends are..." An image of Cole pops up into my head. "I don't know what to do. I'm lost. I don't even know if they want me back."
   "Everyone gets lost once in a while. But lost things can be found again."
   "But sometimes they aren't," I say dejectedly.
   "Give it time..."

I risk asking her a question.
   "Do you mind if I stay here. I don't have anywhere to really go right now."
   "Of course. Stay as long as you'd like." She smiles.
   "Thanks, really."
   "Come, you need meat on your bones again." I smile slightly. I hope she is right. I don't know where everyone is right now. I don't know if they even want to see me. I'll just lay low and recover for now.

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