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Cole's POV:
   I wake up with a slight headache. I'm in bed. The last thing I remember was...being at Laughy's. Talking with the bartender Kai. I slowly get up and Zane walks in.
   "Here's some water."
   "Thanks, Zane." He nods.
   "How are you? You stayed out late."
   "I'm good. I went to Laughy's. Met a bartender."
   "Sounds nice. You worried us though. Try not to stay out too late."
   "Yeah, I won't, sorry. What time is it by the way?" I ask.
   "It is two, twenty-seven PM," Zane states. Jeez  I got up late. "I'll leave you to get ready now." Zane leaves and I sit a little longer.

   The conversation at Laughy's comes back to my memories. How embarassing. Just pouring out all of my feelings to this guy. This guy that is so familiar. I was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I put my hand in my pocket and felt something. A piece of paper.

   I pull it out and read it.

   Hey Cole if you ever need to talk here's my number :) ***-***-****
   P.S. drinks are on the house
          — Kai <3

   On the house!? Shit! I forgot to pay. I gotta make it up somehow. I add his contact to my phone and then start to text him, but don't know what to say. I'll just go back to Laughy's today, no big deal.
   I try to ignore how I got butterflies from the little cheeky heart he added.

He just reminds me of Kai. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but the charm, body language, gestures, and even features are the same. Even if Kai is alive, he surely would've shown up and said so...right? Damn it, I'm a mess.

Kai's POV:
I can't believe I met Cole and gave him my number. This can go one of two ways. Terribly awesome or terribly...horrible? Something bad. I'm just so happy to see him again.
"What's got you all cheery?" asks Rowan. He's cooking up some breakfast. I flush red.
"It's nothing."
"Oh, do you fancy someone you met on the job?" Fey pokes.

Fancy..? Me?

"Hah, no." I think back to all our memories. All the laughs we shared, all the battles we've fought together. Him holding me when my powers came back, how fucking miserable I was when I thought he died. Everything. How we protected each other. All those little touches, subtle smiles, and secret glances. Okay, maybe I do like Cole...

Who am I kidding? I definitely like him as more than just a friend. More than just a best friend.
"He definitely does," Rowan smirks.
"Who's the lucky girl?"
"Girl? Uhm...about that..." They raise a brow at me. It makes me nervous, but I wanna tell them, I mean I've been with them for a while. "So uh...he's not a girl."

"I uh..."
"Kai, I honestly don't care whatever gender you like. I just wanna know who the person is and what that person is like," Fey says.
"Really?" I ask, surprised.
"Of course! You're like a son to us. We love you." She hugs me.
"You guys are the best."
"Enough of the sweet talk, the food's gonna get cold!" Rowan complains. We all share a laugh.
   Fey continues to ask me a bunch of questions about Cole. Rowan pretends he's not interested, but he's definitely listening in.
   "You really like this guy, huh?"
   "I just...I guess I was so oblivious I didn't realize."
   "I believe that," Rowan chuckles.
"Well, I gotta go to Laughy's now."
"Isn't it a bit early?" Rowan questions.
"I bet he's hoping to see that guy!" Fey smiles.
"Am not!" I fight, stubbornly.
"Whatever you say, Kai." I grumble and walk out the door. She's right though.

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