All That Matters || CL16

10.2K 61 7

Request: Wolff reader being engaged to Charles and a "Who did this to you" trope.

Warnings: 18+ only, violence, blood, reader injuries, medical procedures

WC: 5.7k

The line to the ladies room was longer than you expected when you told your step-mother that you would catch up. Susie had given you a quick wave, not wanting to miss out on the qualifying races, and departed without you. While you waited, you had pulled out your phone and busied yourself with a few replies of well-wishes from friends before going on Instagram and liking all the photos of Charles that you had missed earlier.

One particular photo brought a smile to your face as you knew exactly who he was looking at off camera. You were wearing Mercedes merch for quali and planning to wear Ferrari for race day, so his team had avoided taking photos of the two of you until tomorrow. That didn't mean your own camera roll wasn't bursting with pictures of the contrasting black and red team colours. You were so consumed in the pictures of your fiancé that you didn't hear the door open behind you.

A shoulder bumped into you and your phone clattered to the ground before a heel quickly stomped on it, shattering the screen. What you had thought was an accident suddenly turned into an attack and the other women waiting in line screamed at the man and pushed each other away to reach the door.

You couldn't comprehend what was happening as you were thrown to the ground, pain lacerating your stomach from the kick you received as you went down. You tried to crawl away but a boot planted down on your back pinning you in place as you screamed for help despite the pain it caused.

You reached out, your fingers clawing the dirty floor as you tried to grab your phone before the man stood on your wrist. His joyous laugh sent a wave of nausea through you and he bent down to grab your hand that you fisted tightly.

"No, no, please don't," you begged as he pried your fingers open. "I'll give you anything, I have money, please."

You screamed as your engagement ring was torn from your finger and you raked his arms with your nails trying to get it back before he closed his fist and sent stars exploding across your vision. Blood smeared across the linoleum floor as you tried to drag yourself after him, the pain of the door closing on your fingers no longer registering in your senseless state. No amount of money could replace what the ring meant to you and you couldn't just let it go. You were a Wolff, and Wolff's never give up - your father had instilled the value into you since you were a child.

Pulling yourself up the door, you gasped at the pain in your ribs and clutched the aching bones as you limped after the stranger running through the paddock. The determination was there in your heart and your mind, but it was your body that was failing you as your vision faded and the distance grew. The man was going to get away with taking your prized possession and there was nothing you could do as you crumpled to the concrete and let the darkness take you.

Toto gave his wife a distracted wave as he listened to the engineers discussing the weather with his drivers and he leaned back looking for you behind her.

"She's on her way," Susie said, knowing her husband well as she reached him and massaged his tense shoulders.

The qualifying round soon ended and Toto laid his headset down with a smile at the decent result. "Where is she?" he asked when he looked around the garage and noticed you still hadn't arrived.

"She probably stopped in to see Charles, he could do with some cheering up."

Toto shook his head feeling sorry for the man who would soon be his son-in-law before standing up and stretching his legs while Lewis and George finished the warm down lap and returned to the garage. "Maybe he'll finally be ready to leave them if they keep ignoring his wise opinion."

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