The Perfect Life {3} || CL16

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An awkward silence filled the large space when you cut the engine inside the old factory and let the roller door close behind you. Charles rather elegantly dismounted and let you lock the motorbike up without a word. You had tried not to look at him too much after leaving the club but it was impossible to avoid now that there was nowhere to escape.

"I'm going to shower," you muttered. Charles sat at the edge of the bed and watched you walk to the only internal door. The old plumbing creaked as you turned the hot water onto full blast because it never reached any decent temperature above warm. You couldn't suppress the hiss of pain when the water hit your body, each droplet like shrapnel on your skin.

"Are you okay?" Charles asked through the door.

"Never been better, Charles."

You stared at a spiderweb that had appeared since your last visit until the water all too soon ran cold. A fluffy towel swamped your body and you relished the softness on your bruises, grateful you had stolen it from your bathroom. When you stepped out of the bathroom you found Charles still sat on the bed but now there were two beers condensating on the wobbly side table.

"Help yourself then," you murmured as you grabbed a fresh pair of clothes from your backpack. "Look and I will throttle you."

Charles turned his back as you dropped the towel and pulled your panties up your legs. Bending over sent white hot pain flashing through your ribs and tears burned your eyes when you tried to reach behind your back for the bra strap. Without the adrenaline of the fight everything felt ten times worse.

You jumped when cold fingertips brushed your spine and swiped your hands aside. "Let me."

"Rumour has it you only know how to take these off," you said as he clipped your bra into place.

Charles turned you to face him and his eyes drifted down your body, lingering on the bruise blossoming on your ribs. "Since when have you cared about rumours?"

"I don't, but your reputation precedes you. And, just so you know, I don't have any friends for you to move on with after this ruse is up."

"I don't believe that," he chuckled. "I think Alicia is your friend."

"Alicia is too nice for her own good but she's still on the payroll. I don't think it's friendship when it's paid for." You frowned as your stomach dropped as you realised what he had said and took a step back. "Plus, she is happily married so you're out of luck there."

Charles took a step to follow and caught your hand. "That's not what I meant."

You scoffed. "No?"

"No. You're not as alone as you think you are. You have people who look out for you, and that's friendship whether you believe it or not." You tried not to let the words penetrate the internal walls you had built but they crumbled a little when he carefully embraced you. "You also don't need to keep fighting, you have control of your future now."

"It doesn't feel like it," you admitted as you looked up under your lashes to meet his eyes.

"Then let me show you." His palm cradled your cheek and his thumb caressed your jaw as you waited to see what he would do. "You can say no whenever you want. The choice is yours." His eyes traced the shape of your lips before returning higher and his lips parted as he started to dip his head. "You are in control."

It could have been the sleep deprivation, the crash of hormones after the fight, or the fact that he was as good looking as any of the models you had seen. But, whatever the reason for your weak resolve, you didn't say no.

You didn't say no when his lips brushed softly over yours, tentatively. You didn't say no when he grew bolder and deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring the curve of your lips.

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