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I was fully enjoying watching the boys paddle out and catch the waves back in, occasionally falling off into the water. It reminded me of the past, when things were simple and we didn't worry about anything but getting sunburnt and stung by bluebottles. Now, sitting in the sand, I worried if I was romanticizing the past. Did we change too much and now had no chance of reconciling a romantic relationship? Was there any chance of us having anything like what we had when we were younger? Did he even want that? Would I ever get over him?

"Charley, come here!" Michael waved from the shoreline. There was a sense of excitement and urgency in his voice.

"You're gonna wanna see this," he said as I approached him.

"Lay down," he instructed. He had traded his surfboard for a long board.

Doing as he said, we paddled out through a few waves and finally out to calmer waters.

"What exactly am I looking for?" I asked, calling over my shoulder as I scanned the sea.

I caught a glimpse of something out the corner of my eyes and turning, I saw a fin break the surface. Then another, and another.

"Dolphins!" I gasped, excitedly pushing myself up on my arms, rocking the board.

I sat up all the way and he pulled me into him, steadying us.

"Sit still or you'll tip us!" he laughed.

We watched the pod of dolphins swim and play in the water, enjoying the peacefulness. I turned my head to see him better, placing my hand above his knee for stability. I could feel his heart beat a bit faster from my touch.

"Thank you," I told him.

His blue eyes glittered in the sun as he smiled, "I remembered how much you liked dolphins back in the day. Figured you might still."

"I know we've both grown and changed, but right now I'm struggling to see it. You're still the same thoughtful guy I remember," I sighed as I leaned back against his chest a little bit more.

"Yeah, well what I failed to mention was that on the way in, you're standing up on the board," I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Promise you won't yell at me like you did back then?"

As sweet as he was, he did have a bit of a problem keeping his anger in check when we were younger.

"Promise you won't bail on every wave?" He retorted.

He did have a point - I was so nervous when he was first teaching me and jumped off the board every time a wave would come.

"Deal," I answered, a bit begrudgingly.

We sat and watched the dolphins play a bit longer, until we heard one of the boys shouting at us from further in.

Michael laughed, "We'd better go in before they send somebody out for us."

As we paddled in, he gave me tips, reminding me how to stand up on the board again.

"I have a feeling you'll remember more than you think," he told me as we approached the waves breaking.

I rolled my eyes at his words. I've heard it's like riding a bike but I wasn't sure I believed that.

"Can't I just sit up on my knees first and work my way into standing?" I asked him, already knowing the answer.

"Nope. All or nothing. Get ready," he told me as a wave started to crest behind us.

It happened all in a blur. One minute I was laying on the board, paddling in with Michael, and the next I was standing, cruising into the beach with him on the back of the board guiding me. Tumbling into the water, I stood up and heard cheering. Michael looked so proud, grinning from ear to ear. He must have fallen off the board too, his hair wet and slicked to his head.

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