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It was a little after midnight when we had all decided to call it a night. After saying our goodbyes, we all went our separate ways to our cars. I had to use the toilet one last time before leaving, so Emma and Jackson decided to wait for me in the car. Michael had waited, deciding to walk with me to the car, so I wouldn't be alone.

"Man, tonight was fun. Just like the old days," Michael sighed, smiling slightly as we walked out the front door.

I had barely registered what he said as my mind was elsewhere.

I stopped walking, my mind racing. "Why haven't you kissed me yet?" I yelled at him, the words spilling out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"What?" He asked as he spun around, caught off guard by my bluntness.

He was a few yards ahead of me, not realizing I was no longer walking next to him.

"I've been here for a month and a half already and you haven't even tried to kiss me!"

"Are you kidding me right now, Charley?" He replied, exasperated.

Stomping down the walkway, I stopped halfway to him. "If you don't want a relationship with me again, just tell me already. I'm so tired of guessing. You're so hot and cold; I can't figure you out anymore!"

I was done with trying to guess what he was thinking every time I saw him. It seemed like he changed his mind about where he stood with me every time and it was emotionally exhausting.

I could see his emotions flash across his face as he stood there on Whippet's front walkway, his chest heaving as he breathed.

"Say something!" I shouted again, growing angrier at his silence.

After a few moments, he closed the gap between us in just a few steps and pulled me into him, his lips crashing against mine.

All the passion, all the heartache, all those years apart from each other spilled into that kiss. I couldn't help but notice he had gotten better at kissing since they last time my lips found his. I guess that's what fifteen years does though. I wondered what else he had gotten better at.

When we finally pulled apart, he looked at me, his eyes sparkling.

"I have been waiting fifteen long years to do that," he told me, a smile on his lips.

I smacked his chest, surprising him.

"What the hell took you so long?!" I shouted.

Confusion replaced the happiness on his face.

"Emma told me you wanted to take it slow!" He defended.

"Slow? I've seen glaciers melt faster! I thought you were over me!"

He chuckled lightly before taking my face in his hands.

"I am so in love with you, Charley. I have been since the day I first met you fifteen years ago. I've never stopped loving you," he told me. His voice was low yet strong and there was a tone of reassurance and bare honesty.

My breath caught in my throat hearing him tell me that, feeling his lips on mine again. It had been something I wanted for so long and it finally happened.

"Oh, Mick -" I started to say, a soft smile playing on my lips, but I was cut off.

"It's about fucking time!" I heard from down the road.

Emma was hanging out of the passenger side of Jackson's car, cheering. Of course they witnessed our first kiss in fifteen years.

"Don't go home tonight. Stay with me. Don't leave," he pleaded softly, grabbing my hand.

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