Fifty Two

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"Hey Mouse, is Charley coming to the viewing party?" Jake asked as the two of them gathered the flags, shutting down the beach for the day.

"Dunno mate, I don't think she's ever even seen an episode."

The last month had flown by and the premier of the new season was airing at the end of the week. The couple has been laying low, spending their days lounging in each other's houses, watching movies and enjoying each others' company. Mouse didn't vocalize it, but he was still embarrassed about how he had reacted to Alex's words. He wasn't quite ready to face the world, knowing his fellow lifeguards knew what had transpired between him and Charley.

"You really think she's never seen the show her boyfriend is on?" Jake asked, hopping into the Rhino.

Sitting next to him, Mouse shrugged, thinking. Had Charley watched any of the show? He knew Emma had due to Jackson but wasn't sure if she had introduced her roommate to the show. He made a mental note to ask her later.

Back up in the tower, Mouse gathered up his things while Jethro closed the shutters.

"Heading out now. Just have to change and I'll be over," he sent Charley.

"Come on in, doors unlocked. See you soon XO."

Smiling to himself, he tucked his phone in his pocket and walked across the pavilion to change.

"Hey, Mouse!" He heard as he crossed the promenade.

Turning around, he saw Jesse jogging up to him.

"Hey mate, couple of the guys are gonna grab drinks. You in?" Jesse asked as the two men walked to the locker rooms.

Mouse shook his head, "Nah. Charley's waiting for me. We're probably just gonna stay in and watch a movie."

Sighing, Jesse rolled his eyes. "That's all youse been doing! Come on, I bet she'd love to come out."

Pulling a T-shirt over his head, he smirked at his friend. "Next time," he winked as he clapped Jesse on the back.

"You get a girlfriend and suddenly you're no fun," Jesse muttered as he walked away.

Mouse couldn't help but chuckle. Hiding away from the world or not, he didn't mind staying in with Charley every night. As he walked to his car, he waved to his coworkers who were walking to the pub. Despite the drive to Charley's being only a couple of minutes, Mouse couldn't get there fast enough. He all but ran up to her front door, knocking briefly before opening the door. Walking in, he was met with music loudly playing over a speaker in the living room. He contemplated calling out, letting his girlfriend know he was there, but figured it was a lost cause. She'd never hear him over the music. Walking further into her house, he found her in the kitchen. She was in pajama shorts and one of his T-shirts with the sleeves ripped off, dancing around like a fool while putting away her dishes. Smiling, he leaned against the doorway and watched her. Seeing her dance so freely, without a care in the world made his heart sing. She had gotten the all clear from her doctor a few days prior and was finally sling-free and fully healed. By the way she was dancing around, she was clearly taking full advantage of being able to use both arms again. She had grabbed a spatula and was using it as a microphone when she turned and saw Mouse standing there.

"Ahh!" She yelped, jumping. "Geez Michael, say something next time!"

He tossed his head back and laughed as she took her phone out from her pocket and turned down the music she had playing.

"Like you would have heard me anyway," he smiled as he wrapped both arms around her waist.

Pulling her into him, he kissed her. It started soft and gentle, a small peck, but quickly turned into a more passionate, deeper kiss. Lately, he was thankful for every day he got with her, knowing how close he was to never having her in his life again. He was continually kicking himself for being so stupid.

"What was that for?" Charley asked when they finally pulled away.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him. Her hair was damp and her face void of any makeup, clearly having just taken a shower before he had gotten there. He had seen her fresh faced before - not that she wore much makeup anyway - but he was always entranced by her beauty. Tonight was no different.

"You are absolutely stunning, you know that?" He smiled as he stared at her.

He would never get used to her beauty and the fact that she chose him. Especially after recent events, he was constantly in awe that she wanted to be with him.

"Are you feeling alright?" She chuckled as she raised an eyebrow, playfully feeling his forehead with her wrist.

"More than," he replied, kissing her again quickly.

Letting her go, he leaned against the counter, watching her get back to putting away the rest of her dishes.

"I'm just lucky is all. Lucky you chose me. Lucky you gave me a second chance."

She crossed the kitchen back to him with a pan in her hand. Putting it away in a cabinet next to him, she stood up and placed a hand on his chest.

"I need you to realize just how incredible of a man you are. Any woman would be lucky to have you. And yet, you chose me." She kissed him tenderly on the lips before turning around, making her way back to the dishes. "But yes, you are lucky I took you back," she teased him as she walked away.

Sitting on the couch a little while later, he pulled her into his chest as they watched tv. Breathing in her scent, he felt at peace. He felt home with her.

"Oh, I was told to invite you to the viewing party Hoppo is having. The new season of Bondi Rescue is airing this week, and the guys are all getting together at Hop's to watch it. I told them I'd ask but I wasn't sure if you had ever seen it or not," Mouse asked after a few minutes.

Charley sat up and looked at him, "Bondi Rescue? Is that what it's called?"

He chuckled at her lack of knowledge about the show. It was refreshing. Before she had come back into his life, he had plenty of girls fawning over him all because of the show. A couple of times, he had gone on a few dates, only to find out the women were only interested in dating him because he was on tv. The fact that Charley was essentially clueless was a breath of fresh air to him.

"I've actually never seen any episodes before. Maybe I should?" She told him as she tucked a loose curl behind her ear.

"You've really never seen any? Emma hasn't made you watch any?"

Charley shook her head. Up until that point, she really didn't have any interest in watching the reality show. Why watch her boyfriend on tv when she could have the real thing? Sighing, Mouse leaned back into the couch.

"You could if you wanted to. You don't need to in order to understand the new season though."

"When's the party?" Charley asked, spinning around and facing him.

She scooted herself closer to him, laying her legs across his lap. Ever since they started dating again, Charley couldn't get enough of her boyfriend. Thankfully they spent most of their time together in private since she took him back, because she found herself constantly craving his touch, his presence. When they sat together, they sat extra close. When they weren't working, they were are each others' houses. They were  constantly holding hands, kissing or just touching each other anytime they were together. It was nearly too much for Emma, who had opted to spend most of her time at Jackson's to get away from all the PDA.

Mouse laid on hand on her thigh and wrapped his other arm around her waist before answering, "Friday. We can skip it if you want though." His voice was low as he leaned in to kiss her. Stopping before his lips met hers, he whispered, "We could stay in, spend the day in bed, just you and me..."

Charley shivered at his words and the proximity of his lips to hers. She pressed her lips against his as her hand played with the back oh his neck.

"Or..." she replied quietly as she broke the kiss.

Standing up, she held her hand out to her boyfriend, pulling him up to her.

"...we go do that now. Emma's staying at Jackson's tonight again so we've got the house to ourselves," Charley added, giving him a wink.

Mouse answered his girlfriend by pressing his lips onto hers and lifting her up by her thighs, earning a squeal. She wrapped her legs around him as he carried her to her bedroom.

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