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Whippet was throwing a bbq for the new year and all the lifeguards and their families were going. Jackson had invited Emma and the boys had assumed Charley would be joining. Being the dead middle of summer, Charley tossed on a sundress and sandals, sweating before she had even left the house.

"Char, he's here!" Emma called down the hall.

Jackson had decided to pick the girls up, all of them driving them to Whippet's house together.

"Look at you two!" Jackson whistled as the girls walked out to the car.

Rolling her eyes, Charley chuckled. The dress she wore wasn't to impress anyone but to rather try and not overheat on such a hot day, since it was one of her cooler dresses. She slunk into the back seat and listened to Emma and Jackson chat as they drove to the bbq. Lately, she was feeling mixed emotions seeing Michael. She was starting to believe he was no longer interested in rekindling their relationship, despite what everyone else was telling her. His actions were contradicting what she was hearing from their friends. Despite his mixed signals, Charley couldn't help the fact that she was still head over heels for him. She was starting to feel like she was chasing something that would never come to fruition, and yet she couldn't help but want to be around Michael, even if she left feeling half encouraged and half disappointed.

Walking in the front door, Whippet's two small boys ran around them.

"Up! Up!" The youngest one shouted.

Scooping him up, Emma laughed as she hugged him.

"Hey, Jetty boy!"

He wriggled out of her arms and the two boys scurried away.

"You made it!" Gina, Whippet's wife greeted the group.

Charley smiled to herself, seeing the beautiful family her old friend now had. If she would have been told fifteen years ago that Ryan Clark would settle down with a wife and have two beautiful boys, she would have laughed out loud. He was a wild one back then, fluttering from girl to girl, having his fun and leaving when the girl started getting too attached. It was refreshing to see him change his ways for the better.

"The boys have gotten so big!" Emma grinned as she hugged Gina.

"They're keeping me on my toes, that's for sure! Come on in, everyone's out back."

As they made their way to the backyard, Emma leaned over to Charley. "Hey, are you alright? You've been quiet."

"Yeah, I'm great," Charley lied.

She was excited to see Michael, and yet was bracing herself for another disappointment. Of going home again without him kissing her yet again. Of not knowing where he stood with her.

Once in the backyard, Charley found Whippet and Beardy talking to a couple other lifeguards.

"Hey boys!" She smiled as she walked up to them.

Whippet pulled her into a hug and smiled.

"I didn't know if you'd come!"

"I wouldn't miss a chance to hang out with you lot again!" She said as Whippet let go of her. Turning to Beardy, she gave him a hug.

"Glad you came," he smiled back at her.

Other than a few times while they were working, she hadn't seen them since the day at Bronte and she was looking forward to spending time with them again.

"Help yourself to anything. Beer's in the esky by Mouse," Whippet told her, nodding behind her.

Turning around, she noticed Michael, shirtless with black shorts slung dangerously low on his hips and his signature backwards baseball hat on. He was talking to a few other lifeguards, Jackson included.

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