Chapter 7: Unraveling

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They eventually dropped out of hyperspace, and arrived at Kamino. They then landed and got off the ship, then approached the kaminoan doctor Nala Se, who had two clone escorts.

"General Skywalker, I am glad to see you had a safe journey here. Master Shaak Ti is waiting inside."

Anakin nodded.

"Very good doctor, shall we go in?"

"Of course, follow me."


Soon they had Tup on a table being examined.

Fives wasn't being treated as Anakin knew it wasn't any kind of viral agent, it was something else.

The tests proved...not very productive.

Nala Se could find nothing.

Though Anakin believed there was something.

"Strange. There is no sign of infection in the blood, how curious. The subject..."

"Tup." Anakin interjected a bit coldly, not liking that she referred to them as subjects.

"...has tested negative on all accounts. This clone seems to be in perfect health."

Shaak Ti shook her head, feeling something very off here.

"We must be missing something."

Anakin agreed, they definitely missed something here.

After this, a medical droid, AZI-3, suggested an atomic level brain scan, and the Jedi agreed, while Nala Se didn't.

So they spoke to the council.

Anakin didn't feel any positive or negative emotions when he saw Yoda, Ki-Adi, Shadday, or Mira, and though not fond of Kolar for clear reasons, he held no ill feelings towards him.

He had no clue how to feel about KCAJ, though master Rancisis was a welcome addition in his opinion.

"Currently we still have no answer to our problem. Though I am beginning to think brainwashing may have occurred."

Mace looked at Shaak Ti in confusion.

"How could that be possible?"

"We discovered that not long after arriving on Ringo Vinda, Tup was reported missing by both Anakin and Ahsoka, then after three rotations he turned up again. That event proceeded this episode."

Stass nodded.

"Your suggestion?"

"We would like to conduct an atomic level brain scan to see if his thought processes are still functioning normally."

Oppo hummed.

"And what of the Kaminoans? How do they view this ordeal?"

"They feel Tup is so weak that such movements could potentially kill him, but ironically their approach is to terminate him, thus leaving his brain intact for the autopsy."

Shadday had an idea it seemed.

"Bring clone trooper Tup back to the Jedi temple."

Yoda nodded in agreement.

"Yes, examine him with the force we shall, and unravel this mystery, we will."

Anakin nodded, not quite fond of seeing the majority of the council again, but agreeing wholeheartedly with the idea of the Jedi getting a deeper look into it.

"Yes master, we'll get Tup and bring him back immediately."

With that, they cut the transmission and went to their task.

They arrived back at the medical bay to find Fives about to stab Nala Se with a lethal injection.

Shaak Ti raised a hand.

"Stand down trooper."

Fives just nodded to his hand.

"Generals, I have the evidence, it's right here!"

Anakin looked at Tup to notice a bacta patch on his head.

"Did the surgery without us?"

Fives nodded.

"With AZI-3's help sir, Tup will be fine, he's just unconscious."

Anakin nodded, as he gestured Fives over, and the latter handed him...was it a tumor?

A few clones came in after, but went back out per Nala Se's orders. Afterwards, she got them in contact with the Chancellor about this, who suggested they take it to the Grand Republic Medical facility.

Anakin found the fact that Nala Se informed Palpatine of this rather suspicious, as did Shaak Ti, but they kept these suspicions to themselves.

Later they spoke in the adjacent room.

Fives sighed.

"Sorry generals, I just wanted to help."

Anakin smiled a bit.

"No problem Fives, we understand your actions."

Nala Se frowned as she stared at the clone.

"Perhaps we would know more by now if this clone had not taken matters into his own hands."

Fives frowned back.

"I only did what was best for Tup."

"Yet because of that, you will likely have killed him."

Shaak Ti motioned Fives to sit back down as she turned to the Kaminoan.

"Doctor, there is no proof of your claim."

Anakin then placed the tumor in a case and picked it up and held it firmly in his left hand.

"We are delivering the tumor, Tup, and Fives to the Jedi temple."

Nala Se frowned.

"The Chancellor said all data, and the tumor, was to go directly to the Grand Republic Medical facility on Coruscant, not the Jedi temple."

Anakin frowned.

"Given Tup attempted to kill a former Jedi, this is very strictly a Jedi matter, not a matter that should concern the Supreme Chancellor."

"I'm afraid it's already been decided that it is to go to the Grand Republic Medical facility." Nala Se retorted.

Shaak Ti shook her head, having Anakin's back.

"And it will get there, but after the Jedi have run an analysis on it first."

Nala Se scoffed.

"I protest, I must personally deliver the tumor to the Chancellor as ordered."

Shaak Ti turned to her again, but her glare was solid, and very piercing.

"You can protest all you want, my word is final."

The Kaminoan doctor ultimately gave in, and the four exited the room, with Fives getting Tup on a stretcher behind them.

They boarded their ship, and left Kamino, setting course for the Jedi temple on Coruscant.

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