Chapter 8: What You See

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The shuttle ride back to the temple was pretty quick.

There had been no issue, Tup had awoken, but had no urges to kill anyone, and seemed very shocked of his own actions when he was told.

Anakin found that rather odd, why did he have no recollection of his actions?

They were greeted by master Kolar after landing and exiting, Tup still on the stretcher.

The zabrak master held a blank expression. Not particularly pleased to see the former Jedi, but pushed it aside.

"You had a safe journey I assume?"

Anakin nodded.

"Yep, and lookie here."

He pulled out that tumor and showed it to the Jedi master, who only blinked and looked at it in confusion.

"What is it?"

Shaak Ti shook her head.

"We assume it is a tumor of sorts, but we cannot be certain. I will take it to master Osedh and have her run some tests."

Anakin gave her the tumor, and she pocketed it away, before bowing in respect to them.

"I leave you now my friends."

She turned to Fives and smiled.

"You have done the Jedi order a great service."

Fives waved her off.

"No ma'am, I just did what I thought was the right thing to do."

Clearly he'd picked that up from master Ti.

She had no words for that, she just smiled again and then left to complete her task. Anakin turned to Fives before gesturing to Tup and then AZI.

"Alright, master Kolar will take you to the temple's medical wards, I have to go inform master Yoda about this discovery, I have a feeling there will be an emergency session of council called shortly."

The clone just nodded to that, letting Anakin go to inform Yoda of the recent discovery at Kamino.


He'd run into Barriss along the way.

"Oh, Anakin. My goodness, how have you been?"

She seemed happy to see him again.

"Alright. Though I wish the circumstances were better." He answered.

Barriss nodded to this.

"I heard of the situation through master Luminara."

Of course, Luminara was perhaps the most trusted confidant of the Jedi high council.

"It doesn't make sense. He tried to kill me, then we took him to Kamino and found some type of tumor. Now suddenly he's himself again."

Barriss listened very closely.

Couldn't be a traitor, otherwise he'd have been permanently aggressive, maybe.

She had a feeling the tumor and his behavior were connected.


"Master Ti is taking it to master Osedh."

"Oh. They're not here right now. They had to depart to Nar Shaddaa to help tend to master Rahm Kota's injured forces. Then master Allie is currently preoccupied, so perhaps it best if I take a look?" She suggested.

Well, truthfully Barriss was someone he trusted highly, and he trusted she could figure it out.

"Okay. Good luck."

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