Chapter 13. The Truth Will Out

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Daemon wanted to kill Rhaenyra. Her brats had bullied Aemond one too many times for his liking, and Alicent was determined to expose her former friend as the lying and cucking whore she was.

He arrived at the training yard to see Ser Criston overseeing the training of Aegon, Aemond and two Velaryon sons, who are not illegitimate bastards.

Criston saw him from the corner of his eye but nodded at Daemon, who returned the nod and lurked, circling the yard like a hawk eyeing its prey.

"Soften your knees. Feet light."

Jace intentionally bumped into Aemond, who was still angry about the cruel joke the dark-haired boys pulled on him.

The pure Targaryen boys struck their training mannequins with swift movements, resembling their father, who had a proud smirk on his face, seeing his sons had inherited his fighting moves. They'll defend their family and House Targaryen well.

"Keep your feet light and your hands heavy," Criston instructed.

Watching from the balcony above, Viserys and Lyonel Strong, the current Hand of the King, observed. "This is the stuff, Lyonel. Lads that learn together train together, knock each other down, pick each other up. They will certainly form a lifelong bond, wouldn't you agree?"

"That is the hope, Your Grace." Lyonel Strong was one of many courtiers that saw Rhaenyra wasn't during Velaryon's children, but illegitimate bastards, and Harwin's bastards at that! He disapproved and begged Harwin to keep his distance to protect himself, but Harwin was a stubborn man, and now he had three illegitimate bastards raised under the wrong name. How Viserys seemed to be the only one who didn't see the obvious was a mystery to all, or perhaps he did know and just chose to turn a blind eye. If it was the latter, Lyonel prayed that Princesses Baela and Rhaena take after their mother and not repeat Rhaenyra's choices.

"Don't stand too upright, My Prince. You'll get knocked down."

Aegon struck at his mannequin until he saw Ser Harwin walking around, and an idea struck him.

"Aegon," Criston called out, getting the eldest Prince's attention.

Aegon rushed over to Criston and spoke. "I've won my first bout. My opponent sues for mercy."

Criston glanced at Harwin, then Daemon and turned his attention back to Aegon. "You'll have a new opponent then, my Lord of the Straw. Let's see if you can touch me. You and your brother."

Aegon looked at Aemond as they tried to get Ser Criston with their swords, only to be dodged and fought off by the more seasoned knight.

"You're going to have to do better than that." Criston encouraged, provoking the boys into fighting him, but the Targaryen sons failed against him.

"Ah. Weapons up, boys. Give your enemies no quarter." Harwin told his bastard sons.

"It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention, Ser Criston."

You question my method of instruction, ser?" Criston asked, offended at Harwin's words.

Harwin feigned innocence. "Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your students."

"Very well. Jacaerys, come here." Criston grabbed at Jace's collar, dragging him close to Aegon.

"You spar with Aegon." Aemond chuckled.

"Eldest son against eldest son," Criston said, looking at Harwin darkly.

"It's hardly a fair match!" Harwin argued.

Criston retorted. "I know you've never seen true battle, ser, but when steel is drawn, a fair match isn't something anyone should expect. Blades up."

Aegon and Jace held their blades up. "Engage."

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