Chapter 25. Getting To Know The Family I

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As Aemond landed Vhagar in the Dragonmount, he noticed a ship sitting in the seas closest to Dragonstone. However, it didn't have any known sigils he had studied and memorised, so he knew it was no ship from a House like Targaryen, Lannister, or even Redwyne.

The sails depicted a light purple dragon on a yellow field. The rowboat had laid abandoned on the beach as his father escorted the occupants to the castle.

Once he unsaddled Vhagar, Aemond had to process what had happened in Storm's End. The storm, Luke and Arrax dying. But at least something good came out of that trip.

Daeron would marry Janis Baratheon-the Littlest Storm.

From what Aemond had spent time with each sister, they were fond of their baby sister, who, at nine years old, was a rambunctious girl who liked sword fighting and planning. He knew Daeron would like her as a friend if not a wife.

"Aemond? Are you alright?" His light in the darkness.

Alyssa. His Princess. Alysanne to his Jaehaerys. His soulmate.

She ran towards him and jumped into his arms, hugging him. Aemond, still shaken from Luke's death, kept his arms open as Alyssa wrapped around his neck, her face buried close to his cheeks.


"He's dead." was all Aemond could say.
Alyssa furrowed her eyebrows. "Who's dead? Lord Borros?"

"No. Luke. Vhagar killed him. I couldn't control her, and I only wanted to scare him. So I told Vhagar no and to obey me, but she didn't listen."

Alyssa's heart broke when she saw tears streaming down her brother-fiancé's face. Then, she looked at the Dragonmount and heard Vhagar screeching like she had been heartbroken.

Alyssa gently cupped Aemond's face in her delicate hands, making him look into her Valyrian purple eyes. "Aemond, you remember from Father's lessons about dragons that dragons can feel their masters' pain and feelings? Caraxes knew he could trust Mother to ride him after a night with Father, Vhagar mourned Queen Laena before you claimed her, and Vermithor and Silverwing are twins like Aelinor and me."

"Vermithor and Silverwing are also mates." Aemond sniffled.

"Regardless! Vhagar sensed your feelings toward Luke, with him stealing your eye and never facing justice, you felt anger towards him and envy for him having his eyes, and you intended to scare him. I believe you, but Vhagar has a mind of her own and has served many a rider before you and Queen Laena. Vhagar probably thought that by killing Luke, she'd be bringing you some peace and closure. She didn't think of the consequences-she just wanted you to feel happy."

"Arrax breathed fire on her face," Aemond whispered.

Alyssa nodded. "Okay. That probably set Vhagar off. She sensed your feelings about Luke, and being burned by a younger dragon will not be received kindly. But, look, Aemond, what I'm trying to say is that if it hadn't been you with or without Vhagar, it could've been anyone who did what happened to Luke."

"Am I horrible for saying this, but I don't feel sad. I know I should since he was Rhaenyra's son, and there will undoubtedly be war after this, but the boy took my eye, never faced punishment, and his dragon tried to burn Vhagar and me, and he was a bastard." Aemond admitted.

Alyssa shrugged. "We're all horrible, Aemond. We all have things that we're awful for thinking or saying. I say Rhaenyra is a whore, and her bastards shouldn't be princes, and that for what he put you through all those years ago and seeing the agony you endured, I feel a slight sorrow for Luke. Yes, he was a child, but he also took something precious, and Uncle Viserys protected Rhaenyra and her bastards like they were his golden shits. I feel horrible for wanting to kill every girl that went near you, from the serving cup bearers to daughters of lords who wish to marry a prince into their families."

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