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This story begins in November of 2002 when a young Prince William and Kate Middleton are boyfriend and girlfriend, studying together at university in St Andrew's. Their story will never be simple, and life's complications are bound to get them down. But their story is happy, and one of love, despite all adversity thrown their way.


"It'll be fun, I promise." William insisted as I sat at the table in our house finishing my dinner.

"I don't doubt that, but won't the press, I don't know, be hanging around." I questioned.

"No, once I do the tour and the events with my father, they'll leave us alone." he reassured me. I raised my eyebrow at him, while I chewed on my food. "I promise you, it will be good." he said. I got up from my chair and went over to the sink to wash my plate up. While I did, Will carried on talking about his upcoming trip to Australia and trying to convince me to come and join him for a little holiday afterwards.

"When is it again?" I checked, as I finished washing up and sat back down at the table with him.

"Beginning of December, just before your birthday, it'll be like a little birthday present." he said, smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

"I'll have a think about it." I told him. "Oh, I really shouldn't eat gluten, I'm sure it's that that makes me feel all bloated and weird."

"You told me that last week as well. Is it still bugging you?" Will asked.

"Yeah, just every time I eat at the moment, especially in the evening, I feel so bloated and tired." I explained.

"Maybe you just can't handle the big nights out now we're in second year." he smiled before we both laughed.

It was six weeks later when I joined William in Sydney a couple of days before the end of his tour. He collected me from the airport and we went for dinner, while his father was at an event. We were going to wait up for him, so we could have a drink together, but I was exhausted, so we both went to bed instead and agreed to meet him in the morning for breakfast.

I woke up in the morning, thinking jet lag was the reason I felt so horrendous. I had a shower and washed my hair, hoping that would wake me up. But then I thought about the food I ate on the plane yesterday, pasta on the first one, and bread on the second. Maybe that was why I felt like this.

"You ready to go?" Will asked as I finished brushing my hair. I nodded, standing up from the vanity in our hotel room and putting on my shoes. We left our room and walked along to the corridor in the suite his father was staying in. I had met a few people in his family before like his brother, father and step-mother, but it always scared me a little when I had to greet any of them. I was still getting used to the formalities, but Wills was great at reminding me. All of the formalities went well as I greeted him before we all sat down at the table in his suite, which was the size of a small house. We enjoyed breakfast, in which I tried to avoid all gluten and I felt better. William had an event this morning, then after that, the two of us were free to explore. I hadn't been to Sydney since I was a child, so wanted to see the sights and I think Will was looking forward to relaxing a little.

While William was at his event in the morning, I had a nap in the hotel room and woke up starving. My body clock must be all over the place. I took a banana from the counter in the corner before sitting back on the bed and switching on the television. It was part way through when I had a sharp pain go down my side. It lasted ten seconds or so before it subsided.

For the next hour or so, this continued. I turned the television off and paced the room as this seemed to ease the pain slightly. But it was still painful and intense. And I had no idea what to do. I was in a foreign country, at 20, almost entirely by myself. I knew the emergency number for Australia but then what would I say, if a paramedic were to come. I had no clue what was wrong, I just knew the pain was getting worse.

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