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"Are you ready to go?" Grandma called up the stairs as I slipped my feet into my shoes.

"I'm coming Grandma." I replied, before standing up and then leaving my room. Grandma was stood at the bottom of the stairs while Grandad stood behind her, putting his arms into his jacket.

"Alice Wales, you look gorgeous." Grandma smiled as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Thanks Grandma, but you know my name is really Alice Cambridge now, it has been since Mummy and Papa got married." I said as Grandad opened the front door.

"I know Alice, but you just suit Alice Wales so much." Grandma said, plain her hand on my shoulder.

"Pa said one day I'll be Wales again, when Grandpa Wales is King, then Pa will be the Prince of Wales and I'll be Alice Wales again." I said as we both followed Grandad out the front door and shut it behind us. 

"But Mummy and Pa never actually changed it at school did they?" Grandma asked, holding onto my hand.

"The taxi shouldn't be long." Grandad said as we stood beside each other on the doorstep. 

"I'm still Wales at school, because Mummy said it was easier not to change it." I explained.

"She's probably right." Grandma agreed, before we all stood in silence.

"Do you wish that you'd got to come and see me in the hospital when I was born?" I asked, as we watched the taxi pull into the courtyard.

"I do, I wish I'd been there, but we weren't to know you were coming." Grandma said as we walked down the steps and then got into the taxi.

"You were a surprise to us all Tinkerbell." Grandad added as I sat down in the seat between them.

"I hope Mummy wasn't as surprised when she had the baby as she was when she had me." I said, as the driver pulled away.

"I don't think she would have been." Grandad said.

"I don't think she'll ever be that surprised again." Grandma added as she giggled to herself. "But Alice Wales, I think you were the very best surprise that Mummy and Pa have ever had." Grandma smiled, as she brushed the hair out of my face.

The street outside the hospital was lined with press and people, with bright flashing cameras, all pointing to us. It reminded me of the day before Mummy and Pa's wedding, when we drove from the Abbey to the hotel and you could barely see the floor for the amount of people stood on it. They waved and smiled, and cheered as we watched through the windows, until we stopped, just outside the door of the hospital, and Grandma got out and I followed behind her. We said hello to one of the doctors, who was waiting outside to greet us, before turning slightly, and waving to the crowds, as Grandma had instructed me to do in the car. The cameras flashed and then we went inside. We went up in the lift a few floors before walking along to corridors, and eventually getting to Mummy's room. 

"You go first Alice." Grandma said, squeezing my shoulder. I nodded, before pushing the door open.

"Hello Alice bear." Mummy and Pa both said simultaneously as they smiled brightly. Pa stretched his arms out and I ran into them.

"Hi Papa." I replied as he kissed the top of my head. I then pulled away and looked over to Mummy, who smiled, as she held the baby in her arms. 

"We've got someone you need to meet, Alice. This is your little brother." Pa whispered. I walked over to the side of Mummy's bed and peered into her arms to the little baby asleep in them.

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