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In the September after Mummy and Papa's wedding in April, I started boarding school, at Marlston Prep School. We had moved out of the flat in London when I'd finished school at Glendower for the summer, in July and moved across the country to Anglesey, where Papa had been working for over a year now. The summer in Anglesey was quiet and slow and it was nice to spend some time away from the busyness of London. Grandma and Grandad came to stay for a few days, as they had never been to Anglesey before and some of Mumma and Papa's friends too. The three of us had been away to the Seychelles for Mummy and Papa's honeymoon in May, so we didn't go away anywhere in the summer holidays. Except up to Balmoral, where all of Papa's family were spending the summer.

Grandpa and I went out riding one afternoon when we were there, while Mummy and Papa spent the day in Aberdeen. We rode through the forest and up to Prince Albert's Pyramid, with Lupo, our new puppy running close behind. It was such a beautiful day and the sun shone brightly, even though the trees.

"Shall we stop here for a little while? I think I've got some food for us in my pocket." Grandpa said, as he got off his horse and tied its lead reign to one of the fence posts. I did the same, and handed him the reign before going to find somewhere for the two of us to sit. Lupo sniffed the grass around us.

"How come Granny didn't come with us?" I asked him.

"She was busy, lot's of paper in the box today." Grandpa said, handing me a sandwich wrapped in clingfilm, which I unwrapped as he did the same. "Your father told me you like Nutella, so I did one specially for you." he said as I was about to bite into it.

"Thank you." I smiled before taking a bite. The two of us sat in silence as we ate, just watching the world go past around us.

"I remember coming up here with your father when he was younger, telling him all about this place, and why it's here."  Grandpa said once he'd finished his sandwich.

"I remember you telling me last summer, when we came up here." I said, rolling the cling film into a ball and putting it into my pocket.

"They're making another this year, another two in fact, in celebration of your Grandmother's Jubilee. One will be down in the village and the other will be somewhere on the estate, I just need to figure out where." he told me.

"Why does she have a special Jubilee next year?" I asked.

"Because she will have been the Queen for 60 years. It will be a big celebration for Granny and for the family too." he said.

"What did she do for 50 years?" I asked him.

"Well we had a big party here, just like we will next year, called a Jubilee weekend and then we went on tours, we went to Canada, New Zealand and Australia." he said.

"That's where I was born." I smiled.

"I know, the very same year that your grandmother and I visited Australia to celebrate her Golden Jubilee, was the same year that you were born there." he smiled back.

"But Mumma and Papa didn't know that I would be born there. They just thought they would get a little holiday." I said, looking back across the field from where we had come from.

"They did, and they came home with you. And you know some of the best people in our family were born in other countries and brought back here." he told me as Lupo returned to sit beside me on the grass.

"Like who?" I asked.

"Well you and I, just about everyone else in our family was born in the UK. But you and I, we're special." he said before giggling.

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