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"How was your father?" Kate asked as I walked back into the kitchen after spending the weekend with my father at Balmoral. She had been busy with uni work, so I had taken Alice up to see my father and Harry for the weekend. "Hello my gorgeous." she continued, taking Alice out of my arms and hugging her.

"He was good. I've actually brought Harry with me, is that alright?" I asked her.

"Yes, of course, where is he?" she questioned, looking behind me.

"He's just getting his stuff from the car." Will said as we both heard the front door shut and Harry walk into our kitchen.

"Hello Hazza." I said, putting my arm out to hug him.

"Hello Cath." he replied as he hugged me. "Have you told her?" he asked me as he pulled away from Kate.

"Give me a chance, I've only just walked in the door." I said, looking at both of them. Alice had slotted right back into place on Kate's hip. She rested her head on Kate's shoulder, twirling her hair in her hand as she did.

"Told me what?" Kate asked.

"My father is marrying Camilla." I told her, to which Harry rolled his eyes.

"Wow, that's big news." Kate replied. She had seen Harry's negative reaction as well. "What's the problem with it?" she asked him.

"Can we maybe save it, just until Alice has gone to bed?" I asked them both. The both nodded and Kate then took Alice upstairs to get her ready for bed.

I unpacked my things and set a bed up fro Harry in the spare bedroom and when I came back downstairs, Harry was sat in the kitchen with a glass of wine. Kate came down a few minutes later with the baby monitor in her hand. I poured us both a glass of wine and we sat down at the kitchen table to eat dinner. It was then that the discussion started. Harry had been quite vocal with Pa over the weekend about how he felt about him marrying Camilla, who luckily was not at Balmoral with us, but instead, down in Wiltshire telling her children that she was marrying our father. I had tried to be conservative, but it was hard. Even though my father and Camilla had been together for at least ten years and I had known her my whole life, there was something that felt quite official with the two of them getting married. And even though my mother was dead, it was a very definite end to their marriage. It brought up memories of my mother and father and their marriage and subsequent divorce, which was hard. And while I had tried to vocalise this to my father, Harry found this difficult and his feelings just displayed themselves as anger instead.

"Willy, do you think you're going to talk to him? Tell him what a stupid idea this is?" Harry asked, after telling Catherine what had happened.

"I don't think we can Harry." I replied.

"Of course you can, he listens to you. He trusts you." Harry said.

"But this isn't about me. It isn't about either of us. It's about our father finally marrying the woman in the world who makes him happiest. And it really hurts that that woman isn't our mother and it hurts to think about the way that their marriage ended, but he has loved Camilla for longer than I have been alive, that isn't going to change, so why don't we, instead of fighting that love, just let them be happy together." I explained. I could tell from Harry's face that he wasn't happy about what I had just said.

"It isn't about Mummy either. This is about Pa making a huge mistake marrying Camilla." Harry argued.

"No, this is about Pa and Camilla getting married and being happy after decades of people telling them that they shouldn't be together." I replied.

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