Mothers and Daughters

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It felt so cold, getting out of the car at my parent's house. I hadn't even taken a coat to Australia with me, just a jumper, which I'd thrown over me before we'd got off the plane. Alice looked so cold, so I'd used a blanket to tuck over her in the car seat on the way here. My parents were both waiting at the front door as William and I climbed out of the car. I took Alice's car seat, while he opened the boot and got our bags. William had a lot of stuff, but as I only intend to join him for a week or so in Australia, I didn't have very much stuff. All of my favourite clothes were in Scotland still, in my university house as I had intended to go back there before coming home to my parent's house for Christmas.

"Hello Kit Kat." my mother said, wrapping her arms around me after we crossed the driveway towards each other. I hugged her with one arm, while the other was hooked under the handle of Alice's car seat.

"Hi Mummy." I said, tucking my head into her shoulder and finally feeling safe. I wished she'd have been there, when Alice was born. I don't think I would have felt so scared then.

"Oh Catherine, she is even more beautiful than the photo, but so tiny." My mother said, pulling away from me. "Come on, let's get you both inside, your father can help William with the bags." she said, putting her arm around me and walking beside me back across the driveway and into the house. When we went inside it was so warm and cosy. I could smell the fire burning in the living room and I knew that my mother had been baking. The faint scent of cake wafted through the house, so I knew Will would be happy. He had always loved my mother's baking. I slipped my shoes off and followed my mother through to the kitchen, where I put Alice's car seat down on the kitchen table as she put the kettle on. "Will William have tea before he heads off again?" she asked. William had to go to his family's Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace this afternoon. His father had said he didn't need to but we weren't sure if we would make it to Sandringham for Christmas yet, and I wanted him to see his family.

"I don't think he's got time Mummy." I said, taking Alice's blanket off her legs and undoing the buckle.

"She looks just like you did." I heard my father's voice say from behind me as I lifted Alice up and held her in my arms. I turned around and smiled at him. He put his hand on my shoulder and had a closer look at Alice before kissing my cheek. "I'm so proud of you Katie Kat." he smiled, before helping William carry some bags up the stairs. "Pip, your sister's home." he shouted as he did. I put Alice's car seat down on the floor and sat down on the sofa in the kitchen as I heard the loud stomps of Pippa coming down the stairs.

"Hey Kate." Pippa said, as she walked into the kitchen excitedly.

"Hi Pips, how are you?" I asked. She sat down on the sofa beside me as she looked at Alice.

"Good, can I hold her?" she asked.

"Not before me you don't." Mum said, walking over to the sofa. I smiled at them both as Mum lifted Alice out of my arms. "Oh Alice, you tiny beauty. You gave us all a bit of a shock, didn't you?" she whispered to Alice as she walked back towards the kettle.

"How are you really?" Pippa asked, once Mum was out of earshot on the other side of the kitchen.

"Exhausted, still in utter disbelief but so in love with her." I told her. She put her arm around me and smiled.

"I just can't believe you had a baby." she said, leaning her head on mine.

"Trust me, you aren't the only one." I agreed as Wills and my father returned from upstairs.

"Shall we go into the living room? Might be comfier for us all." my father said. My mother agreed and Pippa and I got up from the sofa and went into the living room.

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