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When the baby was five days old, her and Catherine were finally discharged from the hospital. Instead of being taken back to the hotel, we were taken to a house that my father had organised just outside the city. It gave us a little more privacy and was a lot calmer and quieter for Kate and the baby. My father had arranged for a Moses basket and car seat for the baby so that she had somewhere to sleep and a way of getting her home. My father was at the house, waiting for us when we got there.

"Hello Catherine, hello little one, how are you both?" he asked, kissing each of Catherine's cheeks before she curtsied to him.

"We're good thank you. Feels so great to be out of the hospital." Kate said, putting the baby's car seat on the kitchen counter.

"You look so much better for it. And this one looks like she's grown." he said, as Kate lifted her out of the car seat and held her in her arms. "And how are you Wills?" he said, turning to me.

"I'm good thanks Pa. Thanks for organising the house." I said, pulling out a chair at the table. "Just wondering where we're at with getting back to the UK."

"Your grandmother is happy to fly you all back without a passport for the baby. The plane is being flown over on Wednesday, which will take about 24 hours and then we should be able to fly home then." he said.

"So we'll only be here for three or fours days then?" I questioned.

"That's the plan." Pa replied.

"Thank you so much Charles, that's amazing." Kate said, swaying beside me to settle the baby back to sleep.

"It's my pleasure. I know how much you want to get home, all of you and you know that a Christmas in Sandringham wouldn't be right if the newest member of the family isn't there." he said, smiling at the two of us.

"We might be with Kate's parents Pa." I told him.

"I know son, I understand. Whatever you both decide to do will make me happy, you know that." he smiled. "There's something else, well two things in fact. John Howard, the prime minster has decided to make your daughter an honorary citizen of Australia, as she was born here and your grandmother would like you both to accept this act on her behalf."

"Right, ok, and the other thing?" I asked him.

"There's no pressure on you at all but your grandmother would like you to have named her by the time you leave Australia. You'll have to do her birth certificate before you leave and she'll need a name on it. It can't wait until after you leave as it'll be the only official paperwork we'll have for her when we fly back home." Pa explained. Kate and I both looked at each other and nodded. "And when you do decide on the name, your grandmother would love to hear it. Perhaps you could call her yourself." he suggested.

"We will do." I answered.

"We just need to figure out who you are first, don't we little girl?" Kate said, stroking the baby's cheek as she continued to sway her in her arms. I couldn't believe how naturally this process had come to her. How in five days she had gone from being a normal 20 year old, to now being a mother to our baby. She had taken it all in her stride and even though it had been a massive shock and a huge change for us, she was doing amazingly. And there was absolutely no doubt that she loved our little girl, that was clear from everything she had done over the past five days.

"Right, I'll leave the three of you to get settled." Pa said, before saying goodbye to us all and then leaving out the front door, where his driver was waiting.

"He's right, you know, we do need to think of a name for her, we can't just keep calling her, the baby." I said, as I sat down on the sofa once my father had left.

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