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Watching Catherine in so much pain was horrendous. I wanted to sit down and cry, the information from the doctor felt so overwhelming but I knew I needed to stay strong for her. She sobbed as the doctors and nurses around us prepared for her to deliver the baby. I couldn't quite believe I was saying that, a baby, she was going to have a baby. I'm pretty sure, we were having a baby. I couldn't be 100% sure at this point, but I'm pretty sure the baby was mine. Kate and I had been dating for almost a year now, but we didn't make the girlfriend boyfriend thing official until just before the summer break. Obviously now was not the time to ask. Right now, I needed to focus on her being ok. I'm sure having a baby at twenty in a foreign country was not in her life plan either, but here we are and there's nothing we can do to change it now.

"Ok Catherine, you're 10cm dilated, now is the time to start pushing." the doctor said, interrupting my thoughts. Kate had been sobbing, but listened to the doctor, wiped her tears and pulled herself together. Then, she was like a completely different person. She'd gone from crying in pain and shock to bold and strong and not scared of anything and I was in absolute awe. If this baby was mine, then I was so lucky to be having it with such an amazing woman. "Ok, Catherine, I want you to push on this next contraction." Kate nodded and I held tightly onto my hand as she lifted her knees to her chest and pushed. 

"Well done Kate, you can do it. Well done." I encouraged her as I used a wet flannel the nurse had given me to wipe her forehead of sweat. It was 24°C outside and it wasn't much cooler in the hospital, despite the air conditioning. 

"Ohh, it hurts, it hurts." she said, after the contraction passed.

"The head is crowning, one more push and your baby's head will be out." the doctor said. Kate nodded and without even hesitating, she pushed with everything she had. I couldn't imagine how she must be feeling, how terrified she must be, how much pain she must be in, all to bring a baby into the world that she never knew was coming. "That's it, your baby's head is resting in my hand, one more strong push and your baby will be here." the doctor said. Kate looked at me, with nothing but fear in her eyes and I nodded encouragingly. She must be petrified, I don't think either of us imagined this moment looking like this. Kate pushed again as hard as she could. The room was almost silent as we both watched the doctor take the baby from between Kate's legs across the room to the infant warmer they had told us about.  I leant forward and kissed Kate's forehead as we watched three different nurses help the baby. It was still silent, apart from the mild hum of their voices.

"She's tiny Wills." Kate said, not taking her eyes off the baby.

"I know." I agreed, not knowing what else to say. 

"Come on little one." we heard the nurse say, rubbing the baby's back with a towel. It must have only been a couple of seconds, but it felt like much longer when the room went from silent to being filled with the cries of our baby. Kate gasped as we continued to watch the nurses work on the baby.

"I'm going to give you this injection to prompt the delivery of the placenta." the doctor said. Kate nodded and it wasn't long before this process had taken place, all while our focus remained on the baby.

"Is the baby ok?" Kate eventually asked.

"Your little girl is absolutely fine," the nurse said, wrapping her in a towel and then bringing her over to Kate on the bed. 


"She's so tiny." I said as the nurse placed the baby in my arms. 

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