Story time (extremely short chapter written for fun)

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In another world, there was a thief. The thief met a princess and was captured.

As the princess: "You're a bad bad person, thief!"
But the thief wanted a second chance— and the princess gave them one.

Moon told of some of their adventures together

They became good friends and even married each other! They lived happily ever after for a bit, but then, a wizard made havoc in the kingdom. The thief captured the wizard and he begged for a second chance.

Nova nodded, engaged, "Did the thief give him one one?"
Moon shook his head:

The wizard was denied by the thief,
As the thief: "you're banned from the kingdom, FOREVER!"

Nova gasped, "B-but! The thief was given a chance, why didn't the thief give the wizard a chance?"

Moon shrugged, as he didn't have a detailed explanation for that part.

The wizard listened and left, but cursed the thief before he did.
As the wizard: "You and your princess shalt—"

Nova giggled, thinking 'shalt' was a funny word.

As the wizard (Again): "You and your princess will be separated, MWAHAHAHA!"
And the princess was also banned to another world, leaving the thief sad.

"Huh?! That's not... nice..."
Moon chuckled, "It's not, but do you get the lesson?" The animatronic looked at her expectantly, but saw she was drifting off to sleep. Since he was always smiling externally because of his plastic face, Moon wanted to make it clear: he was beaming on the inside.

Hello! Thanks for the reads and votes. It makes me happy to see some people like my stuff
a little gift:

 It makes me happy to see some people like my stuffa little gift:

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This is my original cover design. The original plan was to have the MC on the cover, but it didn't look as nice.

The story Moon told is a watered down, horribly retold, version of a story I'm working on to post in the future lol.

Have a good one!

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