The Sun, the Soda, and the Short

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Normally, when people ask, 'where's the sun?' it's behind the clouds, but since Nova was inside the daycare, Sun obviously wasn't there.

She crept around, still unsure of the place since it was only her second time around here. The play structures were large and vibrant with lots of shapes. There were long ropes connecting to something in them; they looked like cords or wires.

She saw a vending machine that was 5 feet tall. The screen options listed sodas, like 'Sodaroni' and 'Fizzyfaz'. Instead of finding the Sun robot, Sun found her.

"HE-EY Superstar-Nova!" The sun animatronic yelled to her suddenly, making her yelp. He gasped, "OOOOOHHH! Can I call you... SUPERNOVA?"

The animatronic's excited energy intimidated the girl slightly, "Sure."

"EE-YAY! Whatcha looking at?"

"Uh-uhm... Soda? At least, I think it's soda..."

He lifted his head to the mechanical dispenser, "Oh yes! I love fizzyfaz! Would you like a try?"

She looked at the box again and considered the bright bubbly lettering, "Yeah!"

"Okie dokie!" Sun pressed the button on the screen and 4 options appeared, each matching one of the main mascot's faces. Nova bent her neck upward but still couldn't read it. She was very short. The yellow animatronic noticed her little struggle, then decided to pick her up.
"Orange, Pink lemon-ah-dee, Souuur... lime, Grape."

"Wow! Spectacular reading! That word is lemonade."

"Oh okay. Can I have the orange flavor?"

"Of course, Super-Nova! Just click the Freddy icon."

She didn't necessarily know what 'icon' meant, but she guessed Sun meant the picture, so she pressed it. The 'icon' did a little wink animation then some whirring noise was heard. The girl was set down and she checked the compartment. An orange can with the bear on the label was found. Sun took it to open the soda for her.
Nova heard a hiss sound come from it, making her slightly wary. Peeking inside, the liquid was bubbling too. She contemplated not drinking it but mustered the courage to take a quick sip. When she swallowed the orange drink, she felt the bubbliness sting the back of her throat. She shivered at it, but for some reason loved the feeling and taste.

"It's good! But sting-y."

"Uh-huh! It's called 'Fizzyfaz' for a reason, Sunshine," Sun said in a happy voice, "Would you like to play a game of hide-and-seek with the other kids? I'm the seeker!"

Play a game with other kids? She looked down at her feet. Nova's socks were different. One was blue and the other, yellow. She gave a nod to the animatronic, but was still indecisive on the inside.

"Mm-kay! Are you kids ready for seek-n-hide?"

A mass of kids similar to Nova's age giggled at his mispronunciation and cheered at the same time.

Sun tilted his head down and covered his eyes, "You have: two minutes! One... two... three..."

The kids shrieked and dispersed. A cluster went to the ball pit, some hid behind and under blocks, and weirdly, only a few went to the play structures. Since the play structures weren't a common spot, the girl figured she'd head there.

The crawlspaces and tunnels were a little less than four feet tall, meaning she could stand in them, but Nova chose to crawl. She liked tunnels like this. At home she'd spend hours under tables and chairs. When she was crawling around she saw things like crayons on the floor then decided to collect them in her bag. She was so focused on finding them, that she accidentally bumped into another kid.

"Ow!" They whisper-yelled.

"Ah! I'm sorry, are you okay?" Nova replied, looking at them.

She knocked over a boy with dark brown hair and tan skin. He wore a blue shirt with blue jeans and a silvery jacket around his waist.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he rubbed his head, "Oh wow. You have highlights too!"

Nova realized his hair had purple, green and blue highlights.

"I'm Arsen!"

"Like the crime?"


"huh?" the girl repeated.

Nova hadn't much experience with other kids, "I'm Nova," she grinned.

"I don't see you much around here," Arsen thought, cocking his head to the side, "Are you new? Are you only here for a day? Will you be a regular, like me? Who's your favorite animatronic? Who dropped you off? Do you know anyone here? How old are you? You're very small-"

Arsen's barrage of questions were dizzying, but only one thing concerned Nova, "Hey! I'm not that small. I'm seven!"

"So am I, and I'm tall-"

She huffed and turned her back to him. "Wait, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be mean."

She giggled and faced him again, "Just kidding."

Arsen exhaled, relieved his new friend wasn't already mad at him.

"FOUND YOUUUU!" Sun sang, dangling from a cord outside the structure.
Both kids shrieked and laughed, also remembering they were supposed to be playing hide and seek.

"Great job sunshines! You're some of the last kiddos I found!" Sun congratulated them.

The duo was surprised. They weren't even trying. They crawled to explore more areas; Arsen knew the place very well. They saw a purple box with a switch, light, and the wire connected to it. After that there was a decorative hole in one of the panels, "Think I should jump out?" the boy asked, ruffling his colorful hair.

"Nuh-uh. You'll break your ankles."

He chuckled, "I'll do it when I'm older. Without hurting myself!" Nova wouldn't believe him, but didn't say anything against his aspiration. "There's a slide down this way."

Her new friend led her to a blue slide then let her go first.

Upon exiting he made a remark, "Hah! You really are small!" Nova puffed her cheeks in annoyance. When he stood he came to be a little more than four feet—four foot five maybe.

"You're just too tall!"

Sun noticed them, "Now, now... are we fighting?"

She crossed her arms and turned again.

"I didn't mean to in-salt you, Nova."


Sun was curious and worried, "Oh, what did Sen say? I'm sure he had no bad intentions."


"Sen, would you tell me?"

He was scared he would be in trouble, "I... called her small."

"I'm not!" Nova slipped in.

"But you are!" While he wanted to win the argument, the boy was also concerned his new playmate no longer liked him.

Sun found the little arguments like this cute because he was aware they didn't matter, but kids were too young to understand that, "It's okay sunshines, because in the end, size doesn't matter! Only your friends. That's why friendships are important," Sun beamed.

Nova scrunched her nose, "That's corny."

The robot laughed, "I know! But it's true! Would you forgive Arsen?"

She looked at her friend, considering. He pleaded with his eyes and hands.

"Okayyy. But can I have another Fizzyfaz?"

Arsen smiled, "Me too?"

Animatronic Sun twirled "Ahahaha! Of course, friends!"

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafWhere stories live. Discover now