Goooooood Morning!

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Gooooood Morning!
Sun point of view. Request POV's you want to read/are curious about here—>

I hum to myself the funny tune that resonates throughout the daycare. On beat, I swipe a disinfectant wipe back and forth on the play blocks. Gotta get rid of the bacteria! We can't have children falling ill. Plus, Moony hates germs.

"Sunny, you've been wiping that block for a long time." Said robot snaps suddenly.

"Weeeell, you grumpy-sleepy pants, this block is EXTRA dirty!" I respond. It wasn't, but I make sure that between the two of us, I'm always right.

"Whatever you say," he sasses. I giggle triumphantly.

I drop the block and dispose of the dirty wipe in a nearby trash bin, also picking up the garbage that didn't make it inside said bin. Oh, the kids were little angels, but they needed to learn to walk to the trash can rather than lazily throwing it. I wonder if Nova walks over or throws her trash. I don't remember. I laugh to myself, what a cutie she is.

"Any plans today, Sun?"

"No. Just the usual."

"Hm." I can tell he's bored. Apart from nightly patrols, we barely leave the Superstar Daycare. Also at night when we do leave, everything is turned off.

An idea comes to my mind "It's Wednesday."

Moon scoffs, "Yeah, And?"

"Waffle Wednesday, remember?" the taco Tuesday alternative of the Pizzaplex, "At the bowling alley."

"Sunny, we can't leave in the daytime, so I don't know what you're getting at."

"Hear me out:" dramatic animatronic inhale, "Since it's only 6am—everything is on— and the Pizzaplex doesn't actually open until 7... we take Evelyne and Nova down to Bonnie Bowl! Waffles!"

"But we don't even eat-"

"Yeah, And???" I mock him from earlier, "They eat! And I'm positive they're hungry."

"You're always positive," he compliments.

"Awh, thanks Moony!" Using the wire, I travel from the ground to the balcony I leap from every morning.

Don't ask me about the physics of it (I don't know).

I creep into the blue tunnel to the other room and find Evelyne sprawled out in an uncomfortable pose on the wood floor. Nova is, on the contrary, sound asleep in a comfy looking blue sleeping bag. Lightly, I shake the mechanic awake.

The lady suddenly wakes up and nearly karate chops me in the face. I recall the time she actually did hit me as she awoke... owch. I subconsciously stroke the sun ray she punched off last time.

"Oh! Sun. Crap, you scared the soul out of me..."

"Sorry!" I apologize with a laugh. Right after, I explain to her my very brilliant idea.

Evelyne mulls it over, chewing a lip, "Yeah! Sounds good. It'll be a nice little tour and adventure for Novs."

"Oooh! Cute nickname!" I exclaim semi-loudly, making sure not to wake up 'Novs.'

The handler grins, her silvery lip gloss shining. Her hair is down now, and it makes her look something like her new foster daughter. If you didn't know they weren't actually related, you probably would claim they were.

"Time is ticking, let's go."

Thanks for reading! I understand this was a short one, so watch out for the next episode, "Waffled."

Comment if you'd like, if you're bored, check out my other story from Mrs.Aftons perspective in 1983 (I think there's seventeen chapters out already), but it's your choice! Have a good day/night!

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