Future careers (Cont. "Night in shining armor)

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Moon 1st person, Continuation of ""Night" in Shining Armor" chapter

I had just gotten a call from Arsen's Mom, explaining someone else would pick him up: his oldest brother, Arlin. When I told the boy, he got all excited.

"Yaayyy!! Arlin!" he cheers.

"Why are you so excited?" Nova asks him.

He grins widely, "It's been months since I've seen him."

The shorter tilts her head, confused, "I thought you live with him?"

"No, he went to live at some school," he says, a bit sad.

I'm curious myself, "a dormitory for highschool?"

"No, mom says it's called Call-ledge."

"Oh, college..." Then it occurs to me, "He's only 16, though!"

"Well Mr.Moon, he's super smart! I wanna be like him!"

Nova giggles and hugs him from the side, "But you are smart!"

He shrugs, awkwardly side hugging her back, "Not really.,, I'm dumb. I like jumping around and doing dumb things that get me hurt or in trouble. My mom says it's a middle kid thing."

"Middle kid?" Nova asks.

"Yeah, me and Arden—"

"Arden and I" I correct.

"—we are middle kids. We get in trouble a bit. Arden gets caught being a meanie while I do all my crazy things. But I kinda wanna be a stuntman when I get older, so I can be crazy.... but pro!"

Nova grins widely at her friend, "You'll be great at it!"
I think I see his face redden a bit, but it's hard to tell with the lights off.

Turning back to Arsen, "What is your brother majoring in?" he looks at me, perplexed, "I mean what is he learning about for his future job."

He smiles, "He's learning to be a technician! He thinks that robotics are cool."

I smile wider internally. I recall all the times Arlin would ask me about how Sun and I function. He was curious about everything about animatronics. From Sunny's switch to me to our battery packs. The only thing I could never explain was Sun's defiance of physics.

"I like animatronics too!" The girl pipes up, "Maybe your brother and I can match and be work buddies when we're older! Like my mommy and Mr.Cassie's-dad!

Arsen flusters, but gets particularly jealous about her interest in his brother, "Well instead of that, why don't you be a stunt person like me? You like jumping from heights right?"

Nova contemplates it, "I do. But Moon lectures me for it, right Moon?"

I gaze between he two kids. Arsen shoots me a pleading look, asking me to convince her. Nova smiles obliviously.
"Well, I only lecture you because you're a little kid, but when you're an adult you can do whatever— as long as you're responsible."

With my response, everyone is happy. Afterward I chase them around, playing hide and seek with them in the dark.

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