Chapter 6 ⭑

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⚠️this chapter has +18 content
I never wrote anything +18 before so be kind
hope you like it

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Wait did Billie really said that? I think while violently blushing. Looking at Billie I realize that she did meant it cause she's biting her lips in the most fucking sexy way possible while keeping her eyes on the road. I guess she meant it but didn't realize she actually said it.

"That means you wanna fuck me, Eilish?" Billie blushes "I didn't say that." "You didn't deny it either..." I said trying to prove my point that she knows exactly what she's doing. "Okay, maybe I do want to fuck you. So what? You'll let me?" I choke with my own saliva.

Definitely did not see this coming. I could feel my face burning, not blushing, burning. "Why are you suddenly interested in me?" I asked curious to see what she would answer. "Who said that this interest is sudden?" Okay then my thoughts were right, she wasn't just friendly flirting. I didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet until we got back to Olivia's house.

As we got out of the car in silence and took the burgers inside the house Ashley met us in the front yard, she got up and came to my side with a joint between her fingers putting it in my lips. I could feel Billie's gaze pierce me with jealousy while I took Ashley's fingers off my mouth but kept the joint, handing the burger bags for her to take inside.

"You want some?" I asked Billie showing her the joint. "Maybe... Is it good?" She asked reluctantly. "Yeah, you can trust me. Just not too muck okay?" Billie stayed silent for a minute while thinking. "Okay, I want it then." No one could really see us from the inside and the dor was closed so I got really close to her, our faces almost touching and said "You have to gimme a kiss first."

Even though there was hardly any light outside I could see Billie blushing and getting closer and closer with our mouths almost touching, that is until she lowers her face and gives me a kiss in the chin. "That's not fair!" I said frustrated. "You asked for a kiss and I gave you one, silly." She grabbed the joint, took a drag and gave it back to me. She looked like a goddess in the hole process, in my head I was begging her to fuck me, in front of everyone, I simply didn't gave a fuck.

Jenna opened the door and killed our moment by saying "You guys making out there? Get inside already, we wanna watch the movie." I looked at Billie and asked "Hey will you share the blanket with me and sit by my side?" "Absolutely I will, gorgeous!"

We sat down on the couch, Billie by my side, the movie was playing, our food was on the table and I was already scared of the movie. Maybe a little childish, I know, but when I felt Billie's hands on my bare leg followed by her whispering to me "You ok?" nothing else mattered. It was like the movie didn't really existed, I got so lost in my thoughts, specifically the dirty ones, that I forgot to answer Billie causing her to squeeze my thigh so I would pay attention to what she was whispering to me.

I almost let out a genuine moan when she did that... Not that I'm desperate or anything, but it's Billie and after the things she said in the car I was a little obsessed with the fact that we might have sex. "Huh? What happened?" I said getting out of my own head. "I asked if you're ok." Billie says looking concerned. "Oh yeah, just thinking about the things we said earlier in the car..." I have no idea where the courage to say this came from but I couldn't take it back now so I'll just have to go with it.

Billie blushes, like a lot, and give me a smirk before whispering even quieter "There's more people in here you know..." Not being able to resist the most sexual thoughts that I could possibly have I whisper in her ear what I had thought just outside Olivia's door. "You could fuck me in front of them, I don't really give a fuck." Without saying a word Billie sat down looking at the movie with a serious expression on her face. Was she mad at me?

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