Chapter 8 ⭑

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sorry it took so long
hope you like it

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As my heart raced and my emotions spun into a whirlwind, I found myself facing Billie and her family at the dinner table. My instincts kicked in, and I grabbed my phone, quickly texting Ashley: "Where's the party tonight? Need to get some things out of my head, some people actually."

As Billie and her family joined us, greetings were exchanged. Lily and I welcomed them, and when it was my turn to greet Billie, her hands suddenly wrapped around my waist, her voice a seductive whisper in my ear, "I would never imagine I was the "work thing" you had." A shiver ran down my spine, and I could feel my face heat up uncontrollably. I had missed being this close to Billie, her presence affecting me more than I'd care to admit. Thanks to layers of makeup, the extent of my blushing was hidden from Billie's view. I put on a professional facade and managed to respond, "It's a surprise for me too."

We all took our seats, diving into the world of business talk. I focused on the discussions, keeping my gaze on the documents and my mind on the tasks at hand. However, Billie's eyes seemed to be glued to me, and even though I pretended not to notice, I was completely aware of her attention.

Then Finneas's voice cut through the conversation, bringing my attention to Billie's lingering glances. "Billie, do you and Yn know each other? You're almost burning a hole with all the staring." Billie's response was simple, "Yeah, we're friends," followed by an almost-mumbled "Or at least we were." It felt like a secret shared just between us, a statement that carried more weight than anyone else in the room could comprehend.

Dinner proceeded, and to my surprise, Billie and her family seemed genuinely interested in working with us. As Lily explained the intricacies of the collaboration, especially the idea of me documenting their journey on tour, Billie's eyes lit up, the idea of spending more time with me clearly appealing to her.

On the flip side, Lily had some plans of her own for the dinner's conclusion. Without warning, she presented the contract, urging me to sign it right then and there. Panic swelled within me; signing a binding agreement without even having time to process it was overwhelming.

Instinct took over, and I excused myself, pretending it was an urgent phone call. Olivia's voice came through the line, laced with concern. I explained everything, my words rushing out in a flood. "Lily, my boss, made me this amazing proposition to work with this singer, and it's a dream job. But Lily wants me to sign the contract right now, and I just found out about it being Billie when she arrived."

Olivia's reassurance was soft and firm. "First of all, you're going to sign that contract as soon as you hang up, no doubts. Second, you're meeting me today, and starting tomorrow, I'll make sure you're okay and help you get back on your feet. Lastly, you will talk to Billie. Today. Got it?"

I remained silent for a moment, absorbing her words. "Got it. Thank you for helping even though I've been a bad friend," I replied with a hint of guilt.

Olivia's voice softened. "It's okay. Now go and take care of things." As I hung up the phone, a mix of emotions flooded over me. I knew what I needed to do, and as I looked across the room at Billie, I felt a spark of determination. This was my chance to face my fears, to confront my emotions, and to finally talk to her.

As I sat at the table, Lily's words hung in the air, and her question about signing the contract brought a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Ready to sign?" she asked, and I nodded in agreement. The contract represented a significant opportunity in my career, and I eagerly signed it.

After the celebration, I couldn't resist the urge to reach out to Billie, so I sent her a message.

Did you come here alone in your car or with your parents?

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