21. Chalices & Missed Chances

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When we get back, Seth deposits us in the kitchen and says, "Stay out of trouble."

"Yes, Dad," Archer mutters.

When Seth's gone, I pull Archer into the breakfast room.

"What?" he says. "Did you find something else?"

"Sort of. Watch." I approach the sideboard and pull the stuck cup from the rack with a flourish.

Archer's eyes widen. "What the—"

"I did it yesterday without even meaning to. I was studying the symbols, and it just popped out. What does it mean? Am I the special guest?"

"I... I don't know. Put it back in."

I slip the cup back in the rack, lining it up carefully. Archer tries to take it out and can't. We share a look because it's definitely magic now.

I lift it out again, and this strange feeling creeps over my skin, reminding me of my connection to Sean. But I know in my bones it's not his cup. "I haven't told anyone else. Do you think I should?"

"Not yet." He prods the bottom of the goblet. "Dad will give you the third degree, and that can get... uncomfortable. We could have a look in Mum's books?"

"In her study?"

"Yeah, there's a case full of special editions in there."

"Yeah, I saw them. Alice in Wonderland, The Magician's Nephew, The Secret Garden. How are they gonna help?"

"You'll see," he says. "Tell Mum you want to talk to Leia in there. Once she's gone, you can let me in."

Eden doesn't emerge from her study until the middle of the afternoon, glasses perched on her nose and, inexplicably, chalk dust sprinkled in her hair. Archer and I are playing Uno in the drawing room.

"Did you enjoy your walk?" she asks.

"Yeah, country air's really refreshing," I tell her, jumping when Archer nudges my foot under the table. "Eden, is it alright to use your study to call Leia?"

"Yes, of course." She grabs a book from a chair in the corner. "Give me ten minutes to finish marking these papers."

"Great, thanks."

Eden wanders off with her nose in the book.

Archer groans, banging his head on the back of the sofa.

"Patience is a virtue, you know," I say, mimicking Ezra. "Ten minutes is alright."

"Mum has no sense of time when she's working. Ten minutes can easily turn into two hours."

"We'll just play until she's done then," I say cheerfully. "What's the matter? Scared you'll lose?"

He snorts. "Bring it on."

We play for almost another half hour.

"Sorry," Eden says when she finally comes back. "Lost track of time."

"That's alright. Archer was just enjoying my many victories."

He stands when I do.

"Goodness, Archer, give her some privacy."

"I was going to my room," he says.

"I could do with a hand prepping veg if you've got a few minutes," she says. "Glenda's got a migraine."

I wander off to the study while Archer follows Eden to the kitchen. He flashes his palm at me, indicating he'll be five minutes.

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