45. The Iron Circle

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Sleep won't come. Every time I close my eyes, Sean's head rolls to the ground, and my stomach tries to throw itself out of my body. Back in the woods, I felt those woven threads stretching between us ping loose, vibrating like broken guitar strings, but now they're back, growing thick like vines.

After a pointless hour of sleeplessness, of lying here counting the fairy lights wrapped around the ceiling beams and cataloguing the shadows they make, I practise moving my shoes around the room in the dark, trying to push air beneath them. But I'm still not good at it, and all I'm doing is making noise.

I get up and pace, finally collapsing into the chair by the window. I stare into the night, seeing nothing in the dark emptiness of the south field.

Then a light flashes—once, twice. I grip the window frame as I stand. There it is again, right on the boundary of Castle land. Two more flashes.

I keep watching, but nothing more happens. Just when I start relaxing, I spot Amethyst crossing the field towards the extinguished torchlight.

I run down the spiral staircase, untangling the laces of my boots as I go and pulling them on before I sneak out the door. As usual, I make enough noise to wake the dead when I sprint across the gravel, pushing down the panic trying to rise in my belly.

Amethyst is moving quickly, jogging at intervals, but I'm faster. A strange vibration thrums through my chest like a machine preparing to fire up, and I run faster than I ever have before. I feel suddenly inhuman and stop running, expecting to wait to catch my breath, but I haven't lost it.

I pound on after Amethyst, catching up quickly. "What are you doing?"

She jumps like she didn't hear me coming. "What are you doing up?"

"I asked you first."

She continues to the south gate. "OB signalled me."

"How do you know it's him?"

"We have a code," she says.

"That a child could figure out," I say. "It could be Mara."

"It's not Mara. Look." She points at a gap in the hedge where OB crouches in the shadows.

I grab her arm. "She's a shapeshifter."

She shakes me off. "And I'm an aura reader. It's not her, Vi. She has a very distinctive aura, and OB doesn't have one at all."

I trail my sister until we reach OB, and I figure it'll always be this way.

He smiles with sorrowful eyes. "I brought you this."

Amethyst presses the leather-bound photo album to her chest, a wistful smile on her face and a tear on her cheek. "Thank you."

"I'm so sorry," he says. "I tried to find him, but they caught me. They say you did this. As if you could."

"Do they all believe I did it?"

"I don't know." He shrugs. "Albert said he would not believe if he hadn't seen with his own eyes, but you know what he's like. He will start questioning tonight's events soon. Krisky is upset. Boxer hasn't spoken at all. Caspar can't see beyond his own situation."

"What situation?" Amethyst asks.

"He's free. Back to old self. No flesh. No blood."

"Free to prey on young girls again," I say.

OB's lips disappear into his mouth. "Unfortunately, yes."

Amethyst's face looks like mine feels.

"Dad said there are things for me... when the time comes. Do you know where they are?"

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