32. Things I Say Now: So, My Dad Was Arrested

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When we get back to her study, Eden unlocks her cabinet of special editions and pulls out a book built like an airship. She thrusts her arm back, still rooting through the shelves with her other hand. "This will get you started."

"Started?" I grab the book before her arm breaks. "It's huge."

"And this one," she says. "I'm sure you'll find this useful."

"Harnessing Fire?" I raise an eyebrow. "What would the adoption panel say?"

She laughs. "You can read these books any time, but don't leave them lying around the house, especially when Leia's here."

I sit on the sofa beneath the window and rifle through the pages. "How did you get into all this?"

"I met a demon, and I wanted answers. In the beginning, it was that simple. I'm not naturally gifted, so everything I know was gained through extensive study and practice. I've made theology my life's work, but I find all aspects of cultural practice fascinating—religion, mythology, the occult, witchcraft, folklore, divination. Every culture has these elements, and once you start looking—I mean, really looking—you see connections everywhere. Connections between deities and symbols and artefacts, tracing right back to creation mythologies. Some of the books downstairs contain centuries of supernatural events, others contain powerful incantations. Those books must not leave the library under any circumstances. In fact, you mustn't read any of those books without supervision. Clear?"

"Yeah, clear."

It's the sternest thing Eden's ever said to me. I put the books beside me and lean over to give her a hug.

She holds me close and rubs my arm, one of her small bubble laughs escaping. "What was that for?"

"I don't know. Just felt suddenly grateful you never tell me off. I can't imagine you getting angry."

"Oh, believe me, it happens. That old headteacher of yours got me this close," she says, pinching her fingers together.

"Why couldn't he look at me?" I ask. "I was just a baby."

Her loosening arms hold me firmly again. "I know. Nobody blames you, Violet. I promise you that. Why don't you ask him? Clear the air. It'll make you feel better."

"Is it alright if I wait for him here?"

"Sure." She heads to the door, then turns to nod at the heavy books burrowing into the sofa. "You can get started on those."

* * *

I settle into the squishy sofa and start reading Seeing Rainbows, but I'm too agitated to focus. I've lapsed into a daze by the time Magnus and Daniel appear in the priest hole, eyebrows rising in unison when they spot me. Magnus slips quietly from the room, leaving Daniel standing sheepishly by Eden's desk.

"I wish you'd told me," I say.

"I was going to. It was my big news, remember?"

"This was your big news? You were really gonna tell me before you got busted?"

"Yeah." He smiles softly. "It was my own fault I got arrested."

I forget what I was going to ask. "What happened?"

"You know when I said it was my job to find people?" He waits for my nod. "Well, this was a kidnapping... a child taken from his home by his grandmother. I tracked them to France, and I was trying to disguise myself as an old man when... I don't know what happened. I just sort of aged into Methuselah. It's never happened before, but I realised that if I could appear to you at the right sort of age, I could convince you of who I was."

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