chapter 08 | heartache

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Matthew had been teaching Virginia how to make a proper cup of tea when the doors that led to the basement were slammed open.

The pair of them had been situated in the kitchen, Matthew tsking at the sight of Virginia making tea in the most deplorable way he had ever laid his eyes upon. While Estella had been fiddling with the piano, filling the air with a beautiful melody.

That peace was all interrupted by the sight of Pistol and John dragging a bedraggled Hero up the stairs.

All three of them launched into movement, following the confusing sight. It was a startling contrast to the contained beauty he had seen earlier in the morning.

Hero had been so very pretty in her blue dress, her dark curls pushed away atop her head. They had not exchanged one word, but he couldn't keep his eyes off her.

Now, her dress was crumpled and her hair covered most of her face.

Was that blood on her lips?

Black blood?

It was terrible timing to be paying attention to her lips, but it looked as if she had taken a bite of a black orange and its juice had squirted on her lips and chin.

Matthew shook away his thoughts. He was sure they were bringing her to the infirmary.

"What happened?" he demanded.

Pistol ignored him.

"I would like to know as much as you do!" exclaimed John.

As they reached the infirmary doors, Pistol let John carry Hero's weight and instructed him to place her on one of the many beds.

Pistol turned to look at the three curious young shadowhunters and sighed.

It was times like these when Pistol looked so old. Though his dark brown skin was not creased as a product of time, there was a twinkle in his eyes only wise people had. It aged him decades.

"We were attacked by Ardeat demons," Pistol cleared.

"Ardeat demons?" Estella asked.

"Lava demons," Virginia clarified.

"I've never seen one before," said Matthew.

Perhaps the demons on this continent were completely different than the demons in England.

Virginia looked thoughtful before she said, "They are rare."

"But, I don't understand," Matthew said creasing his brow.

"When do you?" Virginia couldn't help but murmur.

Matthew chose to ignore this. "Why does it look like Hero has been poisoned?"

Pistol leaned heavily on his cane. "She took it upon herself to take out one demon," he explained. "By tearing its throat. With her teeth."

All three of them stood in shocked silence.

"Is she a dimwit?" Virginia asked. "Doesn't she know that demon's blood is poisonous?"

"She only became a shadowhunter a few weeks ago," Estella defended.

Virginia rolled her eyes. "Don't make excuses for stupidity."

"The strangest thing," Pistol said thoughtfully, "was after she killed one demon, every single demon- and there were numerous- disappeared as well. I never seen anything quite like it."

Matthew's interest was raised to the highest extent.

These were the same circumstances under which he had found himself the first time he encountered Hero.

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