chapter 14 | disintegration

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tw: depiction of suicide

It didn't take long for Henry to respond to Matthew's letter inquiring about the Phalanx.

Matthew had been retrieving the postage when he noticed two unfamiliar men sitting at the dining table.

He blinked at the sight.

"Good morning," he greeted.

The men glanced up at him.

The one holding a cup of coffee smiled at him with pearly white teeth. He had dimples that creased his cheeks and brown hair swooped away from his forehead. His blue eyes glinted with amusement.

The other man just stared at him inquisitively. This man's hair was a more golden brown but his eyes were darker.

They had to be brothers from the look of their similar sharp features

The smiling one stood up and held out his hand, "Lovely meeting you. The name is George."

Matthew took his hand. "The pleasure is all mine. I'm Matthew."

George's blue eyes somehow became brighter. "A redcoat," he said delightedly. "The quiet one is my brother Theo."

The man with the dark eyes nodded and shook his hand. 

Before Matthew could ask any questions, a high voice interrupted them. 

"Oh my goodness!"

Estella bounded towards the men with pure joy written on her face. Her red hair went flying as she hugged George tightly.

Matthew couldn't help but raise his eyes at the sight. Theo's dark eyes caught his look and he only offered a shrug. 

"You know them?" Matthew asked as she let go of George with an unnecessary lingering touch and went to give Theo a decidedly shorter embrace. 

"Why, of course I do," she said, grinning ear to ear. 

"What are you two doing here?" 

The question had them all turning towards the entrance. The voice belonged to Virginia. Her face was almost pale with shock, contrasting harshly with her chestnut hair. 

Hair that looked similar to George's. 

Matthew glanced between the brothers and Virginia and understood at once their relation. 

"Sister!" George said gleefully, walking towards Virginia with open arms.

For a moment Matthew expected Virginia to claw away, but she allowed the hug without relaxing.

"We missed you so." George's words were muffled by the top of Virginia's hair. 

"We did not," Theo deadpanned earning a swat from Estella. 

"Of course we did," said George.

It seemed as though the cynicism trait of the Verlac family had missed George entirely.  

Hero had been flattening the fabric of her skirt when a light knocking was heard from her door. 

She turned to find John standing there. His light blonde hair was flawless in the light. He looked rather handsome with his navy trousers and fitted shirt. 

"Morning, John," she greeted as she went back to tightening her corset. 

"I think there are people here."

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